Chapter 78

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Written: November 27, 2020

I'm currently creating a game that is supposedly one of my projects for my university.... And if you guys want, you can play it after I finish it 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💕

It's not the best, since I have never done this, but I'll be doing my best to get either an A or B grade 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💕

ALSO! Here's a long chappy for u guys!




For some reason, I didn't really feel sleepy when I reach the bed on our home. Yeah, I was very tired, but I wasn't too tired to immediately fall asleep. I was both mentally and emotionally tired from the two week mission that we just did.

I'm currently staring up at the ceiling with a worried expression, wondering if Tsunade is in the office talking to my sister or not.... I do hope that Mizuki will get better soon... There's still two days left before know....

I closed my eyes shut before pulling myself up from the bed and rubbed my neck from soreness. Suddenly feeling light headed for no reason....maybe I'm just hungry.

"I should probably wait for her to comeback so we can both go eat ramen" I told myself with a hum before slowly standing up from the bed, stretching my limbs with a sigh, feeling a little bit more relaxed from the stretching.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" I nod at myself before making my way to the main door, slipping in my shoes in the process as I grab the handle of the door and then twisted it open. The bright afternoon light greets me immediately, making me squint my eyes a little at the sudden light exposure.

"So bright....." I mumble to myself with a grown as I close the door behind me and proceeded my way down the stairs to reach ground level. Immediately seeing three familiar figures that has been helping him protect Mizuki since they were in a very young age.

" I see that your team is finally back" Shikamaru greets with a lopsided smile while Kiba runs up to me, in front of my face with an excited look.

"WELCOME back! And where's Mizuki?!" He cheers out excitedly, Akamru barking happily on top of his head. Choji couldn't help but just sigh at his actions before giving me a smile and wave.

"I tried to stop them, but they were too eager to see both of you and Mizuki-Chan" Choji explains with a sigh, earning bonk on top of his head by Shikamaru.

"Don't make it sound like I'm obsessed" He groans out with an eye roll, crossing both of his arms and then looked at me with bored eyes but also a peace sign.

"But you were worried the most... You keep asking the two guards in the gate every day for the past two week----mmphmmhp" Choji says, only for a hand to immediately clamp his mouth shut as Shikamaru gives Choji a light glare, a small tint of red on his cheeks due to embarrassment.

"Aww you could've just told me you miss Mizuki" I teasingly say at him, causing Kiba to chuckle a little at Shikamaru as well.

"You're acting like Sasuke, but a brother version" Kiba says with a snicker, only to be lightly punched on his arm by an embarrassed  Shikamaru.

"Shut up, you're the one who keeps on whining" Shikamaru shits back with a snicker. I couldn't help but smile at the three of them as they have a petty argument on who's more clingy in the group.

"Anyway, where's Mizuki-Chan?" Choji suddenly asks, finally endjmjng the small argument as the three of them looks at me curiously

"Oh, she's currently visiting our grandfather. But I'm sure she'll be back in an hour or so" I answered with a smile as I pass by them, making my way to the center of the village to find a suitable place for me and Mizuki to eat properly.

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