Chapter 41

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WRITTEN: August 3, 2020

The fact that I put way more effort here in this story than my actual University Research paper, proves how much ILY guys 😡❤️❤️



A week have passed by very quickly with nothing eventful happened, except when Sasuke would try and treat Mizuki out for lunch every now and then.

Kakashi and Sasuke was finally discharged from the hospital and the first thing that the Hatake did was treat his team some ramen, as per usual.

Sakura has been with Tsunade, helping her work in the office with Shizune. Seeing how the Haruno looks up to the newly announced Hokage, helping with the papers and walking around the building, sometimes having launch with the two female adults.

Naruto  would go train his Rasengan technique in the forest side of Konoha   with Jiraiya, every once in a while to prevent further damages in the public since Naruto almost blew up a shop while practicing his rasengan, waiting for Mizuki to finish buying vegetables.

Mizuki met up with Lee and Might Guy a few days ago to help her with her weights since it was kind of getting a little bothersome, red marks surrounding her skin where the weights are attached.

And she's got to admit, it was very fun to be with them!

One night, she went home wearing a green jumpsuit and orange leg warmer while screaming youthful things to a very sleep deprived Naruto.

It was one of those nights that Naruto wished that he had some tape laying around their house so he could shut her up. In the end, he just continues to eat dinner while trying to not look at Mizuki since the suit reminds him of Lee.

The following day after that, She went and visited Sasuke and Kakashi in the same suit as the night before. This time drawing thiccc black eyebrows with a marker.

The two males literally almost attacked the girl but then  calmed down, noticing that it was just Mizuki cosplaying as Lee.

Kakashi couldn't help but gasp dramatically and feel down on the ground, feeling so defeated and terrified at what Might Guy and Rock Lee did to his poor innocent little girl.

That was also the day when Sasuke promised himself to keep Mizuki away from the two green weirdos since.... It was just bad.... Very bad.

It was a very stressful day for Might Guy as well!!.... With Kakashi hunting him down with a series of curses under his breath, looking like a serial killer.

Now back to the Present day

It's  currently four in the morning, Mizuki suddenly jolting up from her sleep. Feeling a stinging sensation on her right wrist making her quietly hiss in pain as she tiptoes her way to the toilet.

Flipping the light switch open, she pulls down the cover of the toilet bowl and sat on the surface with ointments and a roll of bandage on her lap.

Staring down at the supposedly living bruise inside of her, she watch the bruise suddenly flowing and crawling under her skin. The stinging sensation suddenly attacking every now and then.

It's almost like a slime living under my skin.... KU-CHAAAANNN WAKE UPP!!

Hearing a very annoyed groan from the tailed beast inside her, Kurama couldn't help but give her a small headache.

Don't shout next you stupid brat! What do you want now? It's way too early for you to even wake up!

His aggressive voice toning down a little, sensing Mizuki's mixed emotions and then remembered the poison.

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