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Finished: April 11, 2020



-3rd Person-

"Are your things ready, Mizuki? Did you pack enough water on your way there? Did your brother give you a good amount of clothes for your journey?" A certain mentor asks as he worridly looks down at his little girl who is struggling to stand up properly because of the weight of her bag.

" Isn't that a bit too much? " Shikamaru worridly asks while staring at his struggling little sister as the group stands at the entrance of the hidden leaf village.

"Her back is gonna break-- KAKASHI! YOU PUT WAY TOO MUCH THINGS ON MY SISTER'S BAG" Naruto exclaims with a sweatdrop while jogging his way to his little sister.

"Can we just leave already? It about to  turn eight in the morning and the sun is continously rising, we're wasting time" Alex says with a groan while poking the sides of her shy younger brother.

"I-I can handle the weight, no need to worry about it--"

"Nononoo it's too heavy" Shikamaru says with a disapproving look before taking Mizuki's bag off her back and opened it.

"Nononoo, she needs her things---- HEY! DONT REMOVE HER TEDDY BEAR! SHE NEEDS THAT---" Kakashi exclaims childishly as he spots Shikamaru grab the stuff animal and tossed it to Naruto.

"No, she doesn't!"

"Yes, she does!!"



So... What's happening? Basically, a week ago, Tsunade recieved a certain letter from someone from a far land.



The rescue mission to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha was a fail, there were too much complications as well.

Inside the Hokage's office, there sat Tsunade sobbing and sulking dramatically while clutching on a hand written paper.

Shizune couldn't help but just give her a comforting pat on the back while she waits for someone to enter the room.

"I-I wanted to....." Tsunade sobs dramatically like a child while anime tears falls down on her cheeks with a pout.

Knock knock

The soynd of the wooden door of the office rang as the tqo grown women couldn't help but look at the door with mixed emotions.

" No....don't open it" Tsunade huffs childishly with a pout, Shizune replying with a shake on the head.

"But you have to, she needs to know"

"Can I just hide her in a safe or something?" Tsunade asks with a whine before sinking back down on her seat as she signals Shizune to open the door with a deep sigh.

As Shizune opens the door, there stood a red haired little girl with bandages wrapped around her arms and neck while still wearing her hospital gown since she hasn't been discharged yet.

"Y-you called for me, Tsunade-sama?" She shyly asks while looking at Shizune then at the sulking Hokage, having the urge ti sweat drop  at her gloomy state.

"Hand her the letter" Tsunade says with a huff while looking away childishly.

"Haiii" The assistant says with a sigh before taking the letter from the desk and hands it to the younger Uzumaki.

The Uzumaki Siblings《Book 1》Where stories live. Discover now