Chapter 71

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Written: November 11, 2020

You know what? Fuck it. Double update!



I stare quietly at my sleeping sister as she lays her head on top of Kakashi's shoulder. Dark under eyes quite visible as her slightly broken nose is finally healing up, even if she got the injury two days ago.

It's currently two in the morning with everyone continuing to walk down the mountain path, it wouldn't take long for us to reach the village, maybe an hour of walking left then we can finally reach the dock to....go to Konoha and save my sister....

I frown a little as I glance a silent Sakura that's walking beside me, looking around the dimly lit nature as she takes a bite on her bread, looking very tired and distressed as well.

I rolled my eyes away from her, not wanting to deal the hatred that's fueling me up with just the sight of her. I look forward and see Kakashi and Sasuke, quietly walking ahead of us.

Looking back at my sleeping sister, I watch as her eyelid slight move...maybe she's dreaming? I hope she's having a good dream...she deserves it.

Back in the break, it was so hard for me to not break down into tears while trying to pretend to be CAN I just not cry? My only family suddenly decides to tell my teacher that she's going to die in 5 days? And Sasuke was able to know about it?!

I'm not angry, I'm disappointed...not at her, but to's my fault for making her lie...if I wasn't so clingy...then maybe she would've trusted me more as a brother....right?

Am I doing great as a brother? Am I doing good? Or bad? Maybe I'm not trying hard enough..or maybe I'm trying way too hard? To the point that my sister is getting sick of me, always being beside her...

I couldn't help but clench both my hands into fists as I look down on the ground, watching my feet step on the dried fallen leaves from the thick trees that surrounds us.

If our parents are still alive... What would they do? How would they handle situations like this?... Why am I think like this? It's not like I remember  their names or faces...I was only 2 years old...

"Hey..." I suddenly hear Sakura whisper and felt a poke on my arm, looking up from the ground, I gave her a raised brow.

"Take haven't eaten anything since this morning..." She says with a sad smile while offering me an unopened plastic with a round bread inside.

Hearing my stomach grumble at the sight of the food, I then noticed that she was right....I was way too busy and focused on watching Mizuki, I didn't even have the chance to feed myself.

"Thanks..." I told her with a nod, slowly accepting her offer by taking the unopened bread. She gave me a small smile in return before looking back at nature while eating her own piece of bread.

"We can take a small detour here, so we can arrive town in  twenty minutes" Kakashi suddenly announces while stopping ion his tracks and then pointed at a direction with a small opening.

"Is it safe?" I suddenly ask while walking between him and Sasuke, cautious and slightly scared that it's kind of narrow. Looking like the bush can hurt Mizuki when we go there.

"Hundred percent safe, you guys just go infront of me so that you can move the bushes away since I'm currently carrying Mizuki" He says while walking towards the direction.

"Instead of walking for another hour, we can shorten it to twenty minutes. The quicker we go, more likely, we'll be able to rest earlier in the boat ride to the Land of Waves"  HE continues as he motions us to lead the group and move away any obstacles.

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