Part 13

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A/N: HELLO ALL! Im going to be completely honest, I didn't think anyone read this but I kept getting notifications that someone was voting my chapters so, I just had to come back! We continue with Cody and Y/N stay tuned all!

She sighs as she gets out of the shower. Looking at herself in the mirror, she can still see the bruises that her mother left. Why was her mother like this? Maybe it was what her dreams were telling her...but who really knows. She heard a knock and decided to open it, she was met with the emerald eyes of the friendly phantom that haunts her room, luckily she was wearing a towel.

"Hey doll! I decided to come with you to school!" He smiles happily not even noticing that she is only in a towel..such a blessing. "O-oh! Um...why?" He laughs a bit " You said you was homeschooled for most of your life! You need a guide through school!" She nods, "I guess that makes sense" he nods and closes the door.

Little did she know that he did look and he was very flustered. He slid down to the floor covering his face mumbling to himself. Shaking his head, he got up and looked back at the outfit that he picked and he nodded in approving that this is exactly y/n's style! He then walked to her fest and noticed that her backpack was all pack and smiled, 'shes like a little elementary kid, excited for school'.

Y/n came out and grabbed the clothes and brought them in the restroom not even noticing that Cody was the one who picked it out for her. She dressed herself up and did some natural make up because Mother says to never go out anywhere or near her if you do not look presentable. She walked out again but, this time with a towel in her hair. "Hey uh, honey why is your hair in a towel? Don't you blow dry it or curl it?" Y/n shrugs as a bit of her h/c pokes out of the towel. "I don't really know what to do with my hair." There is a secret about Cody that makes him look at her bewildered.

When Cody was alive, he was the jock of the school and everyone thought he was going to be pursuing sportsman ship once he graduates. That was not the case since, Cody actually wanted to become a hair dresser. He loved doing his mother's hair and his little cousins hair. No one knew about it and some could say it was a gift because the hair dos came out to send as though a professional did so. Hearing Y/n say that she had no idea what to do with her hair, he found this opportunity to go back to something that he loved. "Let me do your hair."

Y/n hopped out of the chevron car to her new school. Cody was standing right next to her as he examined his old school. "Have a great first day honey! And I love what you did with your hair!" Y/n's hair was (any hair style you want) that actually caused many girls to look at her with a glare of jealousy. Cody noticed this and tapped her shoulder. "Hold your head high and walk with confidence." She nods and decides to do as told. She walked into school looking so confident that some girls admired her and some boys as well. There was one though in particular that was almost lurking in the shadows that was staring at her from afar.

Cody guided her to the front office but, he flared back at the boy...the boy with medium length hair with some side bangs covering one of his eyes.

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