Part 35

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Pacing throughout the room, unable to comprehend what happened, Mr. North has not settled in his bed since Darla came. Why was he cheating? Like most horrid men in the world, they fall out of love, or so you think. The reason why was much clearer than it seemed. Ever since Y/n was born, he saw that his loving wife was neglecting her a little and making her stay inside, but he didn't like it. He didn't want a divorce; it wouldn't look good on paper either. So, he dedicated himself to being the best dad and, of course, 'love' Mrs. North...until Darla came. They first met at work and thought nothing of it until he saw how dedicated and hard-working she was, and he grew interested. The selling point? She used to be a teacher and loves kids.

Sighing, he looks around the room to figure out what is actually happening. "Do ghosts really exist?" Just then, the door slammed shut; startling him, he looked towards the door and saw a fuming Mrs. North. "Why are there footprints leading to Y/n's room? Did you have a guest over?!" Her eyes slowly became crazed, and her pupils shrank as she stared darts into his. "N-no, dear! I think Y/n just wore her outside shoes to school, so they might have left footprints! I'll clean it!" So, as said already, he doesn't leave because of publicity, but mainly because he is scared of his wife. 

Running out, he scurried downstairs with a wet rag and started scrubbing. Mrs. North scoffed, believing it was Y/n because he ran immediately to clean it, always wanting to save her. She sat on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs, visibly irritated. Looking up at the ceiling, she sighs and laughs to herself, "Ghosts, huh? Maybe I have to finish the job this time..."


How does one cope with a traumatic event? Well, some would lock themselves away or refuse any companionship(I know I do). Y/n, on the other hand, refuses to let it phase her and rather just hang out with her friends. Laying in a circle, the trio looks up at the clouds. Lilith looks at Y/n and grumbles; getting up, she asks, "Y/n can we talk?" She nods and gets up, leaving a now annoyed Dolan. The two walk to the side of the building, where they can't be heard or seen. "Are you and Dolan a thing?" Y/n tilts her head to the side like a confused puppy. "I'm not sure I follow." Lilith couldn't help but smile at her cute friend, but then she went back to being serious. "I mean, are you and Dolan.. a-a couple?" Y/n feels heat rush up to her cheeks and starts laughing out of embarrassment; "No, no, no! He is just a good friend; right now, he is just looking after me a little. And trust me when I say this, Lilith: I plan to not fall for anyone as of now. Even though it is tempting, I just honestly shouldn't." 

Lilith begins to laugh uncontrollably with Y/n as she gently holds her stomach. Of course, such a ruckus would cause others to be curious, and one in particular was Dolan. He felt his heart break as he heard Y/n speak; how could she not be interested? He saved her! He digs his nails into his own arm, frustration building up in his own body. Backing away from the conversation he walks back to the spot they were at in the first place. School has ended and has been for around an hour but; the group decided to stay a little while to relax; especially for Y/n; she didn't want to tell Cody any of this...

Around the corner sat a tall lanky man, his head lowered, causing his raven hair to cascade over his eyes. Jacob sat on the cement just to be closer to his friends again, some blood dried on te top of his black converse. Trembling he cradles himself; still replaying what happened in the library. If Dolan wasn't there what would have happened? Shaking his head he leans against a wall, sighing as he stares up at the same clouds his friends were; it doesn't feel the same. "Why do you ask Lilith?" 

Hearing his friend's name, he gently peers over the corner and sees Y/n leaning on the wall next to a bashful Lilith, who is looking down at her pink boots; "W-well, I mean, we never talked about this before, so it is a little embarrassing to admit." Her voice lowers to a hushed tone as she twiddles her thumbs; "I-I like Dolan..." Y/n's e/c widened, and a smile broke out on her face. "I had no idea! No wonder you were asking me about my correlations with Dolan! You guys would look so nice together!"

"You really think so?" Lilith looked at her friend,

"Of course! You guys would make a wonderful pair!" Lilith giggled,

"Problem is, I don't think he likes me like that, so, it's kinda one-sided." Y/n nodded,

"Have you tried to gain his favors? Somehow make him realize that you two would be a good match?" Lilith laughed

"Girl! I have been tryiiiing." 

They both began to giggle as Lilith began to talk about her fantasies of her and Dolan. Jacob hears all of this and scoffs, "He isn't so great." continuously looking down, he doesn't see that someone has sneaked up on him; "Who isn't so great, cousin?" Jacob's blood boiled, and they got up, "You! You piece of-" A hand slapped onto his mouth, muffling him; "Honestly; if you want everyone to know that you are stalking those girls, then you are doing a great job." He pried Dolan's hand off, "Whatever." He pushes away from the wall and bumps his shoulder onto his cousin's. "Do that again, and I will break your arm again. This time it WON'T be an accident."

The girls continued to chat while walking back to their spot, only to see that Dolan had gone missing. "Possibly had to go home, like I should." Y/n sadly smiled. Lilith looked at her now saddened friend and gently grabbed her hand. "I can walk you! Oh! Maybe Dolan will come later, though. Should we leave a note?" Y/n shrugged and grabbed her f/c bag already walking away from the spot. Lilith treaded behind since she. left a note for the boy. 

Dolan came back and saw the note; thinking it was Y/n who wrote it; he grabbed it and brought it up t o his nose; breathing in the scent; only to be revolted that it was not Y/n. Crumbling the note he grabbed his bag and decided to just go home. "Don't worry Y/n. I'll wear you down." Jacob followed, trembling at his cousin. Given; Y/n is a beautiful girl but; he didn't think it was enough to be obsessed with her. Sure longing is normal..wanting to always spend time with her, cuddle, ki-....."shit"


Lilith dropped Y/n off right in front of her house; "See you tomorrow girl!" She nodded smiling at her dear friend and stepped across the threshold of her haunted house. "Oh! Y/n! You're home! Where have you been? Was that Lilith?" her father beamed at her as he coaxed her into the kitchen where dinner was placed on the dining table and her mother shooting daggers at her. "You're late." Y/n nods; "Apologies, I wanted to get some homework done..." She scoffed and motioned for both of them to sit as they ate dinner in peace. 

Cody was there, staring at Y/n that she even glanced at him and slightly smiled. He didn't smile back...her lips were swollen...growling under his breath he phased away. Y/n shrugged and continued to eat silently until Mr. Norht's phone began to ring; "Agh, sorry guys, it's work." Clearly Mrs. North was annoyed as she stared at her alluring husband leave the room. She has been annoyed since Mr. North canceled their vacation only because he didn't want to leave Y/n alone at home. She ruins everything..she thought as she continued to eat. Y/n was eating quickly and in a minute she finished eating, pushing back she stood up from the chair and excused herself. Now Mrs. North was really annoyed because she has never seen such disobedience in a singular household. 

Y/n ran upstairs and into her room, only to be cornered by a fuming gigner-haired ghost; "What happened."

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