Part 4

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A/N: Before we begin, there will be mild abuse so if you are sensitive to the topic, I promise that I will not go full in depth but you are free to skip, sorry >w< It really is just so you can see how horrible the mother is, again SOWWY

I'm running...
Where am I going?
Why is there a bright light?
"You're nothing!" Who said that?!
I look around and see that I am like in a black void...I don't like this.
The farther I run to the bright light...the more farther it gets..
"NO DON'T!!"
I heard screaming and something..cutting? I decided to follow the noise because I was very curious..
My eyes was just a dream.
"(Y/n) wake upppppp!!!!!!!!!" *I feel myself being shaken violently. I sit up immediately and see that Cody was shaking my shoulder violently. "I have been calling your name for like ten minutes! There is someone downstairs that keeps yelling your name. I think its this monotone lady, probably a servant." I jolted out of bed and ran downstairs ignoring the yells that Cody is yelling. I pray that no one else could hear him... actually I really hope someone does, I do not want to look like I became a psychopath of some sort.
I run into the dinning hall hoping my mother would be there, which she was, but plastered on her face was a very disappointing look. I bowed my head because I was taught, very harshly, to not look at my mother when she is in this state. "I have called your name multiple times, why have you not answered my request?"I lowly whimpered and I saw Cody pop his head from the ground which made me yelp. My mother now was confused and even more irritated, "Y/n what i the world has gotten into you? This is not how any young woman should act!" I tried to keep my head bowed, but I followed where Cody was going and I glanced up and saw that he was behind my mother, I glared wondering what he was going to do now. "If you keep disrespecting my wishes and acting very inappropriate for your age, I will drag you to your room and lock you in there and not come down when your father comes. You will also not be fed..." I zoned out because I kept looking at what Cody was doing and he was making funny faces and mocking mother, it took all my will to try and ot smile and make a noise. I felt my lips ever so slowly pull up. 'DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR Y/N ?!" I as shaken back to reality and nodded bowing again, "Yes ma'am.." She nodded, satisfied by my answer.
I sighed and wen I was about to go, my mother asked for my presence . I turned around, "Yes mother?" She stared into my eyes,"You did ot hear that I needed help serving the food." I nod and apologize and we both walk into the kitchen.
I yawned. "Soooooo, you gonna eat also of ti?! Just the two of ya? HOW THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS SKINNY!?" He laughed, for some reason...that laugh...made my cheeks flush and my lips to curl into a smile. He noticed and smirked, "Oooooh~ is someone falling for me?~" I gave him a puzzled look, "What does that even mean? If we are talking verbally, I have not fallen once in front or even on top of you." I gave him a blank expression as he began hollering in laughter.
(This will be third person right here because this is also where the abuse starts..sowwy) The H/C girl was even more confused. "What? What did I say?" He kept laughing tears began to stream down his face due to him laughing so hard. She started to pout like a toddler, still not understanding what in the world was going on. "Alright listen here you imbecile! I have no idea what gibberish and idiotic language you speak that not eve an educated person can understand your ghastly and idiotic language!" Her face began to get red from confusion and rage, " I don't care if you are dead or alive but no one could understand you stupidity you... YOU ASS!" His eyes widen to er sudden outburst...and as well as her mother was behind her. "U-Um..Y/ Y-Your mom.." she kept on ranting, "OH THAT OLD HAG CAN SUCK IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THS STUPID LIFE THAT I AM ALWAYS KEPT IN THE DARK! I WISH I WASN'T BO-" before she could finish, she had received the hardest blow from behind on the back of her head which made her fall back , holding her head from behind. Cody looked in horror...he hated violence. "YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" Her mother grabbed a chunk of the H/c hair and began lifting her up as the girl screamed in agony as her mother took a glass plate that was in her hand and slammed it really hard on her backside making break on Y/n's back and cutting some skin. She throws the terrified girl on the floor, "Get up you BITCH!" She has ever heard her mother curse. She did as told..Cody was filled with rage and sadness seeing his new friend being beaten up by her own mother but everything almost seemed...familiar. The mother slapped her daughter's face very hard that she started bleeding out of her mouth. This has happened before...but, it was not this terrible where the pain was unbearable, it would just be a slap with the belt on her backside...but this was pure agony.
Her mother then grabbed her hair again  and dragged her own daughter's body up the stars not caring if she hurts her more as the teenager was slowly losing consciousness. As soon as the terrible woman was at their daughter's door, she kicked it down and threw her daughter in. Her head hit the ground too hard that she passed out. "Piece of shit... I wish I never gave birth to you." She slammed the door close as the unconscious girl laid on her bedroom floor with bloodstained clothes.
(A/N: Oki it's done...I'm soooo sorry, that came out worse than I expected SORRY, anyways this will be the last time I do a scene like this of abuse. I didn't like it ;3;)
Cody stared at the body of the girl. He touched her shoulder...he still can't believe that this is the only person that he can touch. There must be a reason why. He sighed and gently picked up the girl and gently laid her on the bed...the view was sickening, her lip was busted and her clothes was slightly coated with her own blood...she was a mess. "Oh Y/n....I wish I did something..I wish I really did, but you are the only one that could see me...I'm sorry...I-I'm so sorry." The ginger began to cry as he caressed her cheek. He got up suddenly and went through the walls trying to find a first-aid kit. Luckily he found one.
He came back into the room and saw Y/N sleeping peacefully which made him slightly smile. He sat her up a bit...and noticed that he should probably switch the blood-stained clothes on her. He blushed at the thought but he shook his head to get rid of those dirty thoughts. He took off her shirt and gently laid her on her stomach. He started to clean the large gash that was in front of him, I guess she also cut her back...hat a sick hag, He thought. He cleaned her would ad bandaged it up. He glided across the room to her closet and picked a new shirt that was baggy to annoy irritate the cut.
He put the baggy shirt on her and noticed that it was one of his shirts he would wear. Huh, maybe they forgot a shirt when they cleaned this place out. Finally realization hit him...if he didn't tease her and joke around...she wouldn't have gotten to this state.....

As usual, its his fault...

(A/N: Sooooooooooo that was interesting huh? Welp hope you liked it and sorry about that scene! It will for sure go with th plotTRUST ME!
Don't forget to comment and subscribe pls! Also check out my insta; blueartist1635
And me and my friend's Wattpad account! I will put it in later
Hope you liked it!)

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