Part 9

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A/N: I wanted to point out on most of the compliments that are said about (Y/N) are directed to you guys. Whoever is reading this, you guys are amazing! No matter your shape or size, all of you are awesome! On with the story! This will also be in first person view! See a comment if you think I hound do a Cody P.O.V

As I hopped down the stairs, I was thinking what the big surprise was going to be. I saw Dad smiling and bouncing up and down. "We're going back to school shopping!" I gave him a questioning look, what even was back to school shopping? "Cool shopping, can I run up real quick to grab my wallet?" He gave me a sad look, "Will you ever let your own daddy buy anything for you?"  She thought about this and sighed, "Would you possibly stop pouting?" He nods quickly, I smile and sigh, "Let me still get it I have some reward cards for some stores." He nods again. In reality, I just wanted to tell Cody that I will be leaving.

I opened the door to only be faced with a messy room. My eyes widen, "Cody! What happened?" He was on the floor with his tongue hanging out, and I assumed that he as trying to look dead. I kneeled down and flicked his forehead. "Hey Cody, I'm going to go shopping with my dad, don't make a bigger mess." He opened his eyes  and whimpered, "Why are you always leaving me?" I giggled at hi child-like behavior, "I'm going back to school shopping." He smiled, "wish I can go but, it looks like I gotta clean up." I smiled and got up dusting off and grabbing my wallet.


I was looking on my phone to see what is going on through out the area, apparently someone's house was broken into. Not wanting to dwell on the possibility that our house might be next, I shut it off. "So! Are you excited to start public school?" I smile, "In all honesty Dad, I'm quite nervous. It's my very first time socializing with people that are my age...w-what do I do?"

He smiles, "Honey, be yourself. Don't try to fit in, because you are my daughter! You naturally fit in!" I give him a glare, "What I'm trying to say is, don't change," he pets my head "I don't know what I would do if you weren't the same." The car stopped and I took off my seatbelt.

Our driver opened my door and I walked out. Standing right in front of a mall, curious what I need for school. "Dad, what do I even need to bring to school?" He takes my hand, "I'll show you!!"

~~Time Skip to a store because writer is lazy~~

I was walking around the store as I see my father going crazy with the CD's display. I wonder what Cody is doing right now...maybe I should get him something. I walk around and I find myself in the decor section. Maybe I should decorate my room. I look around and see a large selection of planetary express. I pick up posters of the solar system and the constellations. I also pick up some plante glow in the dark stickers. "Honey! You here?" I turn to my side and see Dad looking for me. "Ah! I'm right here Dad! You don't mind if I pick these up too?" He smiles and nods, "I don't mind at all!"

We walk up to the register and we purchase our items which we picked up. Dad ended up buying a large box full of CD's and some books for him to read. I just got the planetary items since he let me choose my new wardrobe and some school supplies. I feel more confident with this new change in my life, including Cody. I really think he will love this decoration!

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