Part 28

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"Has Someone ever dealt with an issue currently treading my path?" This is the title of the article that Y/n will be posting to social media for the first time. She clicked 'enter' with ease. Let us backtrack.....

As Y/n went in after tending the garden, her mother hummed happily in the kitchen. She snuck into the kitchen and opened the fridge, which was a little too loud. "Oh. You're back... what do you think you're doing?" She froze and turned around. Her mother was chopping red meat on the cutting board, holding a bloody knife. For some reason, it sent chills down her spine. "My apologies, Mother, I was just retrieving water, for I feel parched after being outside." Her mother scoffed and continued chopping, "Be quick about it then. You make my days horrible when I see you." Y/n nods and retrieves her bottle of water. No matter what she does, it seems as though her relationship with her mother will never improve. She bows her head as she hurries out of the dim-lit kitchen. As she walks up the stairs, she can't help but remember her ghost friend. Sighing as she opens the door, only to be reminded of the absence of her phantom friend.

It looks like he passed on...such a sad thought to her. Sitting at the edge of her bed, she opened her phone and saw that she had missed a message from Lilith; instead of writing back, she had decided that calling would have been easier. 

"Yo! Lilith here!"

"Hello Lilith, uhm, I saw that you messaged me W Y D. Does that stand for something?" She hears a light-hearted laugh.

"That little acronym means What You Doing! It's like easier to text like that, soooo whatcha doin'?"

"Ah, I am in my bedroom, debating what to do next." 

"Cool! So like, is it cool that I come over? I wanna show you something cool."

Y/n hasn't had Lilith over a lot as she had hoped and thought it would be okay if she came over today. Instead of asking her mother, she texted her father for permission, to which he replied with an all-caps "YES!". Smiling, she decides to clean up her room to have it presentable for when Lilith comes in. 

Around 30 minutes pass, and Lilith sits on the bed with Y/n. "This is called social media! I think you're old enough to navigate through it!" She handed the phone to Y/n and let her explore the platform. She learned that she needs to swipe to continue to view content. She was amazed to see a variety of genres, from beauty to even book recommendations. "Wow, Lilith! This is phenomenal! And these are all real people?" 

"Yep! Well, some might be bots but like, not really...I don't think." Y/n chuckles and sees herself pressing an app that is named Q&A. With curiosity, she pushed it. 

"OH! That app is pretty cool! You can ask questions and random people will respond! I usually use it for homework help, though."

"So, some people will answer these teachers?"

"I mean, sometimes, yeah! Most of the time, it is like other students or even just random people. Strange how just random people can help you sometimes." Y/n nodded and found herself more fixated on this app than the others. Next to her, Lilith was downloading the social media app onto her phone. As Y/n kept scrolling, she found a peculiar question, "Help, how do I know if my house is haunted?" With ease, she pressed the answer button, to which around ten people responded; filtering through it, she found herself finding more related questions and a single person commenting on almost all of them. 

"You like that app, huh? It's cool! I suggest having it on a computer, though, faster to type."

Y/n immediately got up and grabbed her computer. "Yeah, I'll check it out tonight." She turned to Lilith without seeming rude, "What do you want to do now, friend?" Lilith smiles until she sees her phone lighting up, "Shoot, busted... I have to go! Have fun, though!" She got up and left.

After a few minutes, when Lilith left, she returned to the website. She saw that it was necessary to create an account. She wrote down her personal information until she realized it might not be competent to post something with her name, including when her father is known to be a prestigious and well-respected businessman, so she deleted her information. Instead of filling out the information for birthdays and last names, she only wrote one thing. In the name bar, she put Cody..... Poor Y/n, she will see that choice will come to bite her back. See, what is hard to understand for Y/n is that, one, he is dead, and two, he has been missing for more than a decade. 

Anyways, she continues and clicks on the plus sign in the right-hand corner. In the title, she types, "Has Someone ever dealt with an issue currently treading my path?"

A/n: WOW! I cannot believe that this book has 770 reads! Awesome! Since it has been a while, I'll post more chapters soon. Here's a short one, but it will all make sense!

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