Part 33

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All that could be heard within the room was the ticking of the wall clock. Each student has their heads down; a timed essay: subject? Well, that is what Y/n was having trouble with. Clearly, in bold ink, the essay's topic was WWII propaganda and whether it would still be influential today. Y/n stared, knowing she had at least 47 minutes left to finish it. Why was she unable to come up with something? Of course, the teacher saw this and asked her to see her out in the hall. In defeat, Y/n rose up and walked towards the halls. When she stepped out, her teacher sighed. "Y/n; is something wrong? You haven't written anything." Y/n kept her head down; "I don't know what to write about." The teacher was in belief. The girl who always raises her hand has absolutely nothing to say. "Is the topic hard for you?" she shook her head. The teacher sighed again, looked into the classroom, and saw all the students hard at work. "I will do this only once, so take advantage of this. Grab your things and take the essay with you. I want it on my desk tomorrow morning, capiche?" Y/n nodded lightly, sniffling.

Since she had more time, Y/n entered the school library and began researching. It was not that she didn't know what to say, rather she needed more information about the propaganda all together; she was unprepared because her disrtaction was back. As she plucked each book about WWII and the propaganda, Y/n sat at a desk and began to take notes and write down the needed information. He heard a girl giggling in one of the aisles but did not make any moves to go and investigate. "Oh my gooood stoooop~" She felt heat rise up to her cheeks and she immediately grabbed her earbuds and began to listen to some music. The silence lasted about ten minutes until a large, calloused hand slammed onto her desk. She ignored it again until the hand grabbed the back of her hair and yanked it back. Her eyes widened as she faced the jock. He yanked her earbuds with one hand. "Can't you hear me?!" she winced as he pulled harder. At the corner of her eye, she could see a student buttoning up her blouse quickly and running away. "Where you listening? Think it would be you?" he smirked and used his free hand to lift her chin up; "Oh could have! What? You want a kiss?" He laughed and slowly inched closer, his hand sliding to her neck so that there was no possible way to escape. (Warning: Forced love/harassment incoming.) 

He pressed his chapped lips onto her soft ones. His lips tasted like a cherry, more likely from the other girl's lip gloss. Her eyes widened as she tried to pry off his hand. She trembled as he felt his lips part and bit her lip, which made her gasp. He smirked between her lips and shoved his tongue inside her mouth, she whimpered and tried punching his chest, he didn't budge. she opened her eyes and stared into his blue ones, looking as though she had given in, but instead, she bit down as hard as she could on his tongue. He screamed and pulled away, covering his mouth. She tasted the metal liquid that lingered on her taste buds; she felt something change within her. Staring directly at him, she smiled. In a second, she felt her whole head jerk to the side. Her left cheek felt hot from the impact of his hand. She started to feel hazy and whimpered. "You fucking bitch!" He grabbed her again and began making out with her, blood dripping onto her bottom lip as his tongue kept trying to stick itself in as if he hadn't learned his lesson. She felt like she was about to pass out from the slap until her attention was directed to her F/S(favorite shirt) where the jock was slowly ripping it away almost exposing her chest. He pulled away and looked at his mess, smirking he leaned down and dragged his bleeding tongue on her neck as if marking her. Before he could even shove his hands into her shirt, she screamed, "HELP!" He jerked up and smacked her again, this time harder than before, which made Y/n see stars.

Just then, the double doors were kicked open, and Dolan ran into action as before. Running, he slammed his fists into the temple of the jock, which made him waver and lean a little bit to the left. Seeing him slightly stunned, Y'n got up, shoved him to the side, and ran behind Dolan, covering her chest. "As you as much lay a single finger on her again, Mike, I will make your life a living hell!" He threatened the now throwing-up jock. Dolan stepped over him and collected her things while removing his zipped-up sweater. "Here. Sorry, I don't have an extra shirt." She was still dazed, star stuck at what happened. It felt as though she should be the one throwing up. She felt disgusted, shame slowly scratching at her s/c(skin color) skin. She trembled as though she was about to pass out. Gently, Dolan dressed her in the zipped-up sweater and was holding her bag. "C'mon, let's get you to the nurse." They departed, leaving the now passed-out Mike lying in his own puke.


Just as they left, someone came in. Jacob slowly walked up to the sleeping jock and began to kick him over and over, cursing and threatening. He heard when Y/n yelled for help, but he knew his cousin was much faster again. So in a way, he wasn't just cursing at the jock but at well at himself. Taking a break, he looked through his bag and found two empty beer cans that he picked up from the park to throw away later, but instead now used them to set up a scene to look like Mike had drunk himself into a coma. Smirking, Jacob left.

Y/n was still traumatized, not really about the harassment that she had just experienced but the fact that she felt something change within her when she tasted his blood. As if she wanted to make him bleed more, taste more. Trembling, she covered her face. "Oh honey..does it hurt that bad? I can give you another ice pack?" The nurse was a kind lady, roughly in her late forties. Wrinkles began to form on her face as she was writing a report. "I still need to know what happened." Dolan was right next to her, rubbing her back in comfort. "I-it's like I said, I tripped in the library and hit the corner of the desk." The nurse knew she was lying, especially since there was a large hand mark on her cheek and finger marks around her neck. The nurse shook her head in disbelief. "Well, I need to go get something real quick, and when I come back, we can see how you are feeling, okay?" Y/n nodded. 

Dolan stared at her as he felt his anger build up but knew to keep it in, especially in front of Y/n. "I still can't believe you won't tell her about what happened?" She gently looked to the side to see her 'savior'. "Dolan, I don't think the school would do anything. Especially since that guy is from a respected family." She was right. Everywhere she looked in the school, she saw Stewart's face and last name on everything. The Stewarts were known to be the highest donors, sponsors, and as well as the richest family in town. She knows that if she were to press charges, that would dishonor her family the most. She knew her mother would be ashamed and blame her for all her downfalls. Believing that his family could easily ruin hers. Dolan saw this as an excuse and felt she didn't want to make a big deal.

"Still Y/n. That was harassment. It's not right for him to go unpunished. If you don't say anything, then I will!"

"No! Just leave it, Dolan. I doubt he will do it again. You made your stance clear." She felt tears well up in her eyes as she curled up. "I should have honestly gotten up and left when I heard them in the library."


"Mike and another student. I heard them and thought that if I ignored it, they would leave me alone." This made Dolan even more infuriated. Not only did he touch Y/n, but right after fooling around with another student. Looking down a bit, he saw the blood streak where he most likely licked her. Getting up, he grabbed a napkin, gently damped it with water, and sat next to her. Gently, he asked her to tilt her head to the side, and he started wiping it off. "I will say this, though. You were brave to bite down. It looked like you really cut up his tongue if it kept bleeding." She lightly chuckled.


At home, Cody was aimlessly wandering around the house, trying to see if there were any clues to opening that damn cabinet, until he saw Mrs. North come down the stairs humming. Her neatly up bun was in disarray, with strands of her silver hair falling out of place. Cody shivered in disgust. She walked into the kitchen. Walking right behind her, his curiosity of where she was going got the better of him. 

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