Part 23

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Y/n was in the car smiling while she looked outside at the trees and cloudy sky. Some would say that the weather is gloomy or even depressing. To her, it was relaxing and calm. It felt as though Earth had decided to take a quick nap. "Oh! It seems that there might be a large storm! That's a bummer; I was hoping we could go somewhere else later." she sighed, "It's okay, father- I mean Dad. I do have to get to my homework." He grumbled, "Why do you have to have homewoooorrk." she giggled. 

Just then, her father's phone was ringing, "Great." she saw his eyes dull as he picked up. "North speaking." It always amazed her how fast her father's moods could change drastically. She knew this tone too well; he was called into work. " know this is coming out of your paycheck, though." He gently put down the phone and fell to his knees, "WHYYYYYYYYY!" his daughter sadly smiled and sat next to him, "It's okay, Dad! You may come back early this time around." He whimpers, "But I had this whole trip planned oooouuuut!" Cody was absolutely flabbergasted at how a middle-aged man was throwing a tantrum. 

After the sad news, Y/n sat at the dining table reading more novels which she borrowed at the library. Her father came in once more, "My sweet little buttercup! I have a gift for you!" Cody cringed at the name and just stepped away from the loving father and daughter. Y/n opened the little box that her father brought her. Inside were some earbuds. "Uh father, what are these?" Mr. North gasped, "MY DEAR! THESE ARE EARBUDS!!! YOU LISTEN TO MUUUUSIC~ WITH THEM!" HE takes out his phone and plugs in, "Now! Listen to this!" Y/n begins to hear a harmonious sound, she closes her eyes. Slowly, she drifts into the symphony. Her father noticed and smiled. 

Cody viewed from afar and noticed how peaceful she looks. He smiles, slowly he nears closer and analyzes her facial expression. Her eyebrows are relaxed with a closed-lip smile. Her shimmering e/c were closed. He smiled and gently played with a strand of her hair. He sighs, "Can you hear me?" there was no response or movement, with that, he vanishes. 

Y/n opens her eyes and looks out to the window. "Did you like your gift honey?" She turns to face her father, "Yes, it is quite enjoyable." The car stopped and the two hopped out of the car. She looked around to see if Cody was anywhere, which it looked like he wasn't. She sighs and walks into the old building which she is slowly getting used to calling home. Opening the door, there was a sweet smell that invaded the air. She knew what was going on, "Oh jeez! Smells like your mother is cooking!" she nods, "Father- Sorry, I mean Dad, I think I will go upstairs for  a while." Without hearing what he had to say, she was already going up the stairs. 

Cody is pacing in her room back and forth. Why is he feeling these emotions? He's dead, it would never work. Besides, he understands that he is unstable. Grumbling he sat on the edge of her bed. He just needed a moment to clear his thought, but first, he should tell Y/n that he will be gone for a while. 

Y/n cracks open the door, "Cody, are you here?" He chuckles, "Yes buttercup." She opens the door more and slowly walks in, "Today was very eventful." He nods, "Hey uh, Y/n? I might be gone for a bit." She nods, "Will you be gone for a few minutes?"


She nods, "So, an hour?"

"I honestly don't know." She starts to worry,

"Where are you going?"


"Oh, I understand." She dropped her backpack on the ground. 

She walks to her desk and pulls out her chair, "I hope you have a safe travel." Cody looked at her bewildered. "Oh uh, okay? Is everything okay?" She sighs as she sharpens a pencil, "I believe that if I do not show any emotions, I will not miss you or feel miserable when you leave." He slowly nods, this family really has taken a toll on her. "I uh understand...I'll be going then." He vanishes once more. Y/n lets out a sigh and moves to her bed laying back, "Yes, this is for the best." She takes out her phone and plugs in her earbuds to her phone. She browses through music and decides to go with classical music. Closing her eyes, she once again drifted away from the world once more. 

Downstairs, Mr. North is sat down at the table, staring at his phone. Just wondering how he is going to tell his loving wife that he must return early. " My love! Dinner is ready!" He smiled, "I'll go get Y/n then." She rushed out with a large tray of cordon bleu chicken, "NO!" He flinches at her outburst, she clears her throat, "Oh, sorry uh, she just seemed very tired. We should let her rest!" He nods. 

She serves them the dish as well as glasses of wine. "My love, I am so overjoyed that we are dining together...alone." He smiles, "Of course! You are the mother of my child anyways! And my loving wife." He places his hand on top of her, grasping it gently. She smiles, finally, her husband is all to herself. She takes bites of the dish only to be interrupted, "My love uh before we begin. I um...I have some news." She swallows her piece and places the forks down.

"What is the matter darling?" Did the brat tell her husband everything? She can still say that the twerp is lying more than anything. " Work called," she sighed in relief, " I have to return soon." It still caused her to clench her fork, "What? But what about the trip? Honey, you have to say no!" She felt her temper being unleashed. "My beautiful wife, I wish I could but, if I don't return, I may lose the company." She sighs, "Then spend the rest of your time with me!" She gets up from her seat and marches to his, she sits on his lap, "Please..." She made her eyes swell with tears, he sadly smiled and embraced his wife, "Of course."

Her stomach grumbled which awoke her from her slumber. Y/n sat up and sighed, she knew that she cannot dare show her face down there. She got up and sat back down on her desk. Opening a drawer, she took out the old tattered book that she had checked out from the library. Opening the first page, there is writing in red ink which reads, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. She wondered if this was the best solution. Instead of proceeding, she closed the book and placed it back in the drawer. Instead, she opened her new laptop and decided to do her own research on the paranormal.

With no hope, there was nothing about her situation. She grumbled and stared at the laptop blankly. She was about to shut it off until she remembered something. She should research Cody. 

A/N: I wonder what she is going to find! If she is even going to find anything! I am very glad that this book is back and I hope you all are as excited as me to see how this ends up!

The plot is slowly showing itself

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