Part 5

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As usual....I'm surrounded by darkness. I have been here before... and it is not like any other feeling. Hearing your mother call you the most terrible things...It could break anyone heart. Mine is broken.
The only one who would show me any acknowledgement would be my dad. He wouldn't get mad that I don't call him Father or Sir.
Why me? Why is it always me...?
I felt my back crack a bit when she was dragging me up the stairs...I guess I wont eat today..or see Dad
I begin to slowly open my eyes as I was tired of re living those terrible memories...I kept feeling those scars re open and those bruises re-appearing. I open my eyes fully and I feel my body weighted down to the mattress. I yawned and stretched, only to flinch at the piercing pain I had on my sides. I tried rolling to the other side but, something was restricting me to do so. I finally looked behind me and saw Cody asleep cuddling up to my back. I found it cute that I gently wiggled myself to turn around and stare at him for a bit. I was told that staring is actually quite improper and rude but, its just so interesting seeing a phantom of some sort sleeping right next to me. I feel like we will have a strong connection and be the most best friends in the world! (Ooooo already getting friend zoned! Ouch!) I smiled thinking about it.
Cody began to twitch and slur in his sleep meaning that he is soo to wake up and for some reason I am nervous that he will wake up. I kept my eyes on him for some reason. He began to slowly open his eyes and I felt my cheeks heat up. Those emerald green eyes are just so hypnotizing. Hi hair was as if it were the flames of burning wood and ironically, he smelled like a fire place. I am still fascinated by him and I am still shocked that I can see, smell, and touch he is alive. "Um...Y//n?" I was so lost in thought that I did not know I was caressing his soft fluffy hair. I stopped, 'Ah! S-Sorry I was lost in thought. I apologize for touching you with out your permission." He gave a weak smile, "It's fine. But," he sat up, "Are you okay?" I look at him more closely and I notice his eyes are red and puffy, was he crying? Was he really that worried about me?
I give him a warm smile and sit up as well, "Yes thank you." He nodded and played with his hair. He smirked at me. I was puzzled and tilted my head to the side. "So you do find me irresistible~" I sighed knowing what he meant "Yes, you are just so fascinating! I feel like we will be the great friends! OH! And maybe I can study you and make a log. Who knows maybe I just helped find scientific proof of afterlife and ghosts!" He laughed. I still don't understand why he keeps laughing at whatever I say. Am I that funny? "Dang! For a babe, you are very clueless on what I mean. I guess looks never goes with-" He stopped and was glaring at me. He crawled in front of me and gently placed his hands on my shoulders, "You... why do you still talk to me... a-after what I did...i thought you would hate me ad ignore my existence..." i looked into his eyes and smiled warmly, "It wasn't your fault you know. It was mine for the choices of my words brought me into this situation. It has happened multiple times. To be honest, I am fairly used to it." I saw a tear slowly slide down his cheek, " Are you an angel?" I shook my head and he lightly laughed and leaned in. I was confused once again. I have no idea what is going o. Is he going to show his friendship or gratitude? He got closer to my face and I felt my cheeks heat up, he is so close, I can feel his warm breath on my lips and a bit of his hair on my forehead. He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled back. "I-I can't do it...d-did you even know what was going to happen?" I shook my head and he nodded. "Do you go to school?" I shook my head, "I am just going to begin to go to school, my mother always home schooled me." He sighs and lightly laughs again, "Then I guess I am going to be your guide. Besides, no on else sees me except you, I actually made sure of that."
I heard the doorbell ring and my heart sank, "I guess Dad is home." I smile sadly...

A/N: Alright another chapter, I really hope you guys are reading and enjoying it! Don't be afraid to send any feedback to me ^^)

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