verse thirty-seven

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Towards the late evening, I change into my pajamas. I get in my bed and try to fall asleep, but fail.

Stubbornly, I keep my eyes closed, but can't fall asleep. I sigh and turn to lay on my back.

I see a movement from the corner of my eye. All the hairs on my body stand up, but I don't dare to move.

Someone is in my room. I scan my room. I want to sit up so badly and turn the light on, but it's like I'm paralyzed. Someone sneaked into my room. Shivers run up and down my spine at the thought.

It could be Ian. My breathing is erratic. I quickly look around to see if I have something I could use as a weapon.

Finally gathering the courage, I sit up and look around my room, but I see no one. I lay back down and close my eyes.

But after some time, I hear something. My eyes immediately open. There it is. At the end of my bed, there's a shadow. I rub in my eyes and look again. The shadow is still there.

I open my mouth to scream, but there's no sound. I sit up again, but the shadow doesn't move. For a second, I think I'm going mental.

But the shadow tilts his head to the side, and my heart starts beating faster.

"Damon?" I croak out. "Yes, sweetheart?" the deep voice of Damon responds. I breathe out in relief. "You scared me," I say and fall back in bed. I hear him chuckle.

"Glad I'm still able to do that," I hear him say. "Is that how you scare people?" I ask.

"Yes, it's fun to travel to Earth and scare the fuck out of people," he answers seriously. I cringe at the foul language.

"Must be a fun hobby," I voice sarcastically. "It is," he says. I can't see his face because of the darkness, but I just know that he's smirking.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. There's a silence. After some time, he still hasn't answered.

"Are you going to answer?"


I raise my eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"Afraid to admit that you're stalking me?" I tease. "You're so funny."

I bite back a laugh at his dryness. "You're avoiding my question, why won't you tell me why you're in my room in the middle of the night?" I ask. He sighs.

"You need to get dressed first," he says. I frown. "Why?"

"You'll see, just do it."

There's a slight annoyance in his voice. I stand up from his bed and walk to the closet. I pick a red shirt and a pair of jeans. After I ordered him to turn around, I quickly change into my new set of clothes.

I put my sneakers on and tell him he can turn back around. "Still don't know why you're so prudish," he mumbles under his breath.

"Because I do have self-respect," I fire back.

And yet you let him suck your face off.

"But where are we going?" I ask. "I just... need to show you something," he says and scratches the back of his head.

"You're making me curious," I say and take a step towards my door, but his hand wraps itself around my wrist.

"Where are you going?" he asks. "Eh, you wanted to take me somewhere? I think we need to leave?" I ask.

He bites his lip. "I think I need to approach this in another way," he says, and let's go of me. I frown.

"Damon, you're acting weird. Tell me what's going on," I say. "Close your eyes," he instructs. I'm surprised but do as he says. I feel his two arms wrap themselves around my waist.

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