verse seventeen

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Why would Damon keep Hakan alive? He could kill him, take his blood, and keep it until he needs it.

But what is stopping him? I arrive at Audrey's apartment and fly inside through my window.

Sighing, I let myself fall on the bed and stare for a couple of minutes at the ceiling while I wonder why Damon has Hakan. What's so special about Hakan's blood? What does it do? And why does Damon need it?

So many questions, and no answers.

In Heaven, this wouldn't happen. There, they don't do stuff like this, and there's peace.

No Angels are being tortured or killed for someone else's pleasure.

I want to go back, away from Hell. I wonder if Damon wants to go back sometimes.

What a stupid question.

Of course not. He's the Devil, he loves it here.

But does he never get tired of being here? Wouldn't he want to go back, just for once to see how it was?

To know how it is to be an Angel? A sigh escapes my lips, and I close my eyes.

Damon is so unpredictable. So difficult to understand.

Suddenly I hear a noise, and I open my eyes to see Damon standing next to my bed. All the hairs on my body stand up, and I do the same. I try to swallow but my throat is dry.

Damon tilts his head to the side and looks at me with his piercing blue eyes. He crosses his muscular arms and looks at me with an expecting look. I raise my eyebrows at him; does he want something from me?

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. "I came for an explanation," he answers calmly. I frown.

"I already gave it to you," I mumble, and lay back down again. He gets in bed as well and lies next to me.

"Why did you have the key? How did you get it?"

I swallow, what should I say? I don't want to bring Moonlight in any problems.

"I found it in the woods," I say and look up to the ceiling. I don't like it that I have to lie, but if I say that I got the key from Moonlight, Damon would know Moonlight gave it to me on purpose, and then he's going to punish him for real. 

"Oh, yeah?" he asks. His body is just mere inches away from mine, and I have trouble breathing.


"And what was the key doing in the woods?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Don't answer my question with a question."

I snicker and turn around so that I can look directly in his eyes.

"Listen, I have no idea what that key was doing in the woods, I was flying around and spotted it on the floor. I liked it and so I took it," I say, hoping he's going to believe it.

"Why are you lying to me?"

My heart starts beating faster. "What do you mean?"

"I know you're lying, Angel. Don't try to deny it. And don't ask how I know you're lying, I'm the Devil. I created the lies, so I sure as hell can recognize one," he answers my thoughts. I swallow.

"I'll answer your question," I whisper. He rolls his eyes.

"In exchange for what?"

"That I get to ask some questions and you're going to answer them honestly."

He sighs deeply.

"No, Angel. That's not how we're going to do it. Look, I'll explain it to you. I'm the Devil, so that includes that everyone should do as I say. So, if I say kneel, you'll kneel. If I say bow, you'll bow, and if I say answer the damn question, you'll answer the damn question," he explains like he's talking to a five-year-old.

"Good thing that I'm not one of your Souls. The only man I listen to is God," I fire back.

He clenches his jaw and breathes through his nose.

"Tell me the truth."

"First I get to ask some questions."






I look at him with a smile. His expression changes.

"Shit!" he curses.

"So, the questions first," I say and put my hands under my head.

"Angel, don't start acting difficult and just tell me the truth," he groans.

"Damon, don't start acting difficult and just answer the questions,' I mimic him.

He looks at me with an irritated look.

"Just answer them," I pout. He sighs.

"Fine! Just a few," he says. I smirk.

I won!

"Good, first question; why was the key glowing?"

"If the key is away from the place it belongs to, it starts glowing. So, it means that the key is connected to the Destruction-door," he says.

Question one; answered.

"Why are you torturing those Souls?" I ask and stare into his eyes. "I knew you would ask this question," he mumbles.

"Then you can answer it as well."

"Well, as you know, all the Souls who disobey me are locked up in the dungeon. But just sitting in the dungeon isn't torture. So, all the Souls have to pass the Destruction-room, where I torture them and punish them for their deeds. I know it sounds sadistic, but I do it so they can learn from it," he answers.

"That's not even human. How can you be so sick in your head?"

"Who says I'm human?"

I roll my eyes. "It's just not natural, and so incredibly sick and disgusting," I sigh.

"It's just a matter of being evil. You're good, so of course, you don't see the pleasure of torturing them."

"But... It's not supposed to be like this. What did those Souls do to you?"

"They broke my rules, Angel. How many times do I have to tell you? You follow my rules, if not; you get punished!"

"Next question," I mumble, not wanting to argue with him. "Why do you have a wolf in that place?"

He rubs his fingers over his temple and sighs. "He has a special value," he mumbles with closed eyes.

His blood is special, that's what Moonlight said.

"What's that value?" I whisper. "His blood is very special, it has something that I need."

Moonlight was right. "And why do you need it? What does it have what you need?"

"So many questions," he groans. "I think I've answered enough," he smirks.

"Come on!" I groan frustratedly.

"Just answer the question!"

"I already answered a couple. That was the deal; you were going to ask a couple of questions, I was going to answer them honestly, and then you would tell me the truth. So now the truth."

I keep looking at him stubbornly, and he smirks.

"A deal is a deal, babe. It's your turn."

I'm not going to betray Moonlight. No way. I'm a lot of things, but no traitor. So that's why I do the most stupid thing. I shut myself up by pressing my lips against his. 

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