verse sixteen

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That's the first thing I can think of. Blood.

And bodies scattered across the ground. Bodies tied up to the ceiling, to a large table. It's a very large room, with different transparent rooms.

It's like a zoo but made of Souls. The first couple of Souls look at me with a strange look, but their eyes are almost dead, void of any life that once shone in them.

With disgust, I look around and take a step in the room. The smell of blood, sweat, and pus meet my nose and I have to suppress the urge to gag.

Most bodies are cut open, some are just hanging with their hands tied up to a chain to the ceiling.

When I look to the right, I see a boy lying against the wall, with vomit drooling out of the corner of his mouth and he has a deep cut in his leg, with the blood oozing out of it. I put a hand on my stomach, but that doesn't stop the urge I have to throw up. 

When I look to the left, I see a girl crawling to the window, and with her blood, she writes something on the glass.


My heart breaks. "I wish I could," I whisper at her, the tears brimming my eyes. I can't believe my eyes.

Why did Moonlight give me this key? But immediately after I question this, I see the answer.

My jaw drops to the floor when I see a big, grey wolf sitting at the end of the hall.

He's big. Much bigger and taller than Moonlight or any other wolf. His eyes are black, and I can tell from his gaze only that he's dangerous.

Much more dangerous than the other wolves. But what surprises me the most is that he isn't in a cage. It's like he can walk freely here, but the strange thing is, he doesn't move an inch.

The wolf looks at me with challenging eyes, and slowly, I take a step in his direction. What is this wolf doing here? The wolf growls when I take a step closer to him.

"I won't hurt you," I whisper. He tilts his head to the side and looks at me with a studying gaze. He wants to take a step closer to me, but something holds him back.

A growl leaves him and he takes a couple of steps back. And then it hits me. He's captured in an invisible force field. 

Why would Damon put him in here? When I'm just a couple of steps away from him, I stretch my trembling hand, and my hand comes close to the other wolf. I guess that I must've crossed the force field.

A little hesitating, the wolf comes closer to me and brings his nose to my hand. He does the same thing Moonlight did. Checking me.

And then the wolf leans his head against my hand, and I know that he accepted me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and pet his head. I frown and look down at him. Moonlight gave me this key on purpose because he knew that this key would lead me here.

But why did he give this to me? And why was the key glowing? My frown deepens and I look the wolf in the eye.

"I'll get you out of here," I say and see his eyes lit up. "And Gregor is going to help me with it," I whisper. I see recognition flash in his eyes.

"You know Gregor?"

He nods.

"Good. I know him too, but I have to go now," I say and take a step back.


I freeze.

If I wasn't an Angel, I would've cursed. Hard. I turn around and see Damon standing in the doorway.

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