in the beginning

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Darkness. That's the first thing I can think of.

I'm in a black hole filled with darkness.

It's like I slept for eternity. My eyes feel heavy, making it impossible to open them and my throat is dry.

My hands are folded on my stomach, my hair lies over my shoulders and it's tickling my neck.

The only thing I know is that my name is Angelina. Just when I think I can remember something else, I see rays of light.

I feel a warmth spread through me, and I can finally open my eyes. I blink a couple of times and look around me. I'm lying on a bed, and it seems like I'm in a hospital.

The bed is in a white room, but no heart monitor beside me's monitoring my heartbeat. I'm just lying in a normal bed. With the strength I have, I push my body up.

My bodyweight leans on my weak elbows. I'm wearing a dress that reaches until my knees. It's white as well. I frown. Where am I?

I sit up and see that I'm wearing white shoes. Everything here seems to be white.

Slowly, I get up from the bed and stumble to the door. I grasp the door handle; the cold metal feels good against my warm skin.

When I try to open it, it won't. I try it again. It still won't open. Panic starts rising within me. What if I'm kidnapped?

The last thing I remember is that I was in the car with Margot, and we crashed into a tree.


Is she here as well? Would she be kidnapped too? Carefully, I take my seat back on the bed. When I have more strength, I'm going to try and kick the door open.

I feel so weak. Numb, even. I wait for a while. It takes minutes, who knows hours?

The silence is eating me alive.

And then, suddenly, the door opens. I immediately look up, and my eyes meet two friendly-looking ones.

They're brown and warm. A greying man stands by the door.

"Hello, Angelina," he smiles. When he smiles, the skin around his eyes wrinkle.

"How do you know my name?" I ask with a hoarse voice. I am surprised about how my voice sounds. He closes the door.

"I'm going to answer that later, I'm Larry. I understand that you're confused, but I'm going to explain it all," he says calmly. I nod. I only notice that he holds a glass with water when he offers it to me.

After thanking him, I take it and take a huge gulp. It feels good in my dry throat.

"What do you remember, Angelina?" Larry asks me. I try to remember something and say the first thing I can remember.

"I remember sitting in a car, with Margot. She was driving, but we crashed into a tree."

"That's good," he says. Good? How can that be good? "Am I in the hospital?" I ask the older man. He laughs and shakes his head.

"No, Angelina. You're not in the hospital."

"Where am I? Why am I here?" I frown. I don't understand anything.

"Do you know who your parents are? Where you're from?"

Those questions are difficult. I close my eyes and try to think hard, to remember anything.

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