verse twelve

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Slowly, I open my eyes, not able to move because I'm stuck between two strong arms. I realize that Damon has trapped me with his body.

Our legs are tangled together, both his arms are around my waist, his face is buried in the crook of my neck.

My arms are loosely wrapped around his neck, my face resting on his head, his silky hair rubbing against my cheek.

When I try to wriggle out of his hold, his arms tighten. He pulls me closer to him, mumbling something before he lets out a soft snore. 

I suppress a giggle and comb my hand through his hair. He exhales, and I feel his breath spread in my neck. It causes goosebumps to appear. I continue to play with his hair until I feel him stiffen.

Two eyelashes are tickling my neck, a sign that he has opened his eyes. He hums something, and he presses a kiss in my neck. A blush covers my cheeks, and I let go of him.

"I could wake up like this every day," I hear his deep, husky voice say. I chuckle and untangle my legs from his. 

"Did you sleep well?" he asks. I mumble a yes, and ask him the same question.

"Yeah, I did," he says, and I hear a grin in his voice.

"I think I should go," I whisper, and try to pry him off of me. His grip only tightens more. "No," he mumbles, snuggling closer to me.

"It's too early. Why do you have to leave now? Sleep some more, fantasize about us fucking, I don't know. Let's stay in bed for a little while," I hear him mutter before he buries his head back in my neck.

"No, Damon, I can't. I should go, Audrey is probably looking for me," I say, and untangle my legs from his. I succeed in wriggling out of his grip and crawl out of the bed.

He groans and rolls over in the bed.

"You're no fun," I hear him say, even though his voice is muffled by the pillow.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "You were the one who said that I could sleep in your bed," I defend myself. "I regret that now," he says.

"So... I was wondering where you put my clothes so I can put them on?" I ask him.

"The same place where you left them yesterday," he answers, turning his head to me so he can look me in the eyes. I nod, sending him a smile before I turn around, heading for the bathroom.

When I enter the bathroom, I see my clothes scattered around, the way I left them yesterday. I pick them all up, taking of Damon's shirt and changing into my clothes. I turn to the sink and walk over to it. 

I throw some water in my face, to wake up. I have a sour taste in my mouth and wanting it to be gone I start looking for a toothbrush. I see one on the shelf next to the sink and assume that it's from Damon.

Should I...

You guys have exchanged saliva with each other and sucked each other's faces.

Screw it.

"Sorry Damon," I mutter before I take the toothbrush, squeeze some toothpaste on it, and put it in my mouth. I brush my teeth, liking the taste of strawberry from the toothpaste. When I'm done, I clean the toothbrush and put it back in its place.

I make with my hands a bowl, catching some water with them, and rinse my mouth. When I'm done with that, I stare at myself in the mirror.

Could've been better.

I don't like that when I smile, I get dimples. They're big and annoying. I've also noticed that when I laugh, I scrunch my nose a little bit up. My mom said it was cute. I said that it looked disgusting. I lean forward to the mirror, inspecting my face.

𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ