verse one

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Two years later.

There's nothing worse than waking up at 5 a.m. with your hysterical mother standing next to your bed, and hearing that you are being banned from Heaven.

And that the Oldest Angel is standing behind her, with a disdainful look on the face besides your father, who is looking disappointed at you. Because that's exactly what happened to me.

Today is the day that I'm getting banned after that is told to me that I'm no longer welcome in Heaven.

Two whole months in the Destruction.

Or the Underworld as some Angels like to say. I'm not looking forward to it.

And it is all thanks to Jeffrey. I mean, yes, I ripped his wing off, but he laughed at me in the face. Humiliated me. He defied me, and I got angry.

So, this is my punishment.

Nervously, I stand in front of my mirror.

I put on the same dress I wore when I woke up here in Heaven. I arrived in it, I'm also leaving in it. I brush my chocolate brown hair before I turn to leave.

I can to this.

"Angelina, are you ready?" I hear mom yell from downstairs.

"Yes, mom! I'm coming."

I do a last once over in the mirror before I run off the stairs.

In Heaven, everything is like Earth. Well, Heaven is much cleaner and healthier.

We all live in houses and obey the Lord. It's not that everyone here is dressed in white.

But if you make one suspecting move that you honor the Devil, you're being punished. Not that you're also being sent to the Destruction. But you're being re-educated, and you are being taught how to love God and hate the Devil. But I'm not being punished, I'm being banned.

For two months, at least.

"You're looking beautiful, darling," my mom says with tears in her eyes.

"I will miss you," she sobs. I fight the urge to roll my eyes but smile anyway. It's not that I'm dying, I'm just gone for two months.

Gone for two months.

And it scares me to the bone. I want to act tough around my parents, and say that it's all going to be alright, but I'm not sure it is. I don't want to leave.

I don't care that nobody likes me here, but I don't want to go there. I was so lucky I ended up here, but like always, I made a mess.

My dad is looking at us with a sad smile.

One of our Oldest Angels thought it was enough and decided it was for the best that I go to the Destruction.

He wanted me to learn my lesson there. Out of all places.

"Angel, we have to go," dad says. That nickname dad gave me from the moment I arrived in Heaven.

He found it funny because I'm an Angel. I nod and take a deep breath. The whole town is going to see how I'm being banned to the Destruction. I fear they're going to take my wings from me.

I'm so attached to them. My beloved wings.

In my black sneakers, I walk with my parents on the street. I dressed in white today because I wanted to remind them that they are banning an Angel. Someone important. I wonder if this is the first time an Angel is getting banned, aside from the Devil.

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