verse seven

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The next day, I wake up due to the rays of the sun shining through the curtains.

My eyes are sore from the crying yesterday, and I stand up, not wanting to lay in bed. Slowly I walk to my closet and find a blue jean and a white sweater.

Still half-sleeping I walk to the living room and find Audrey and Daphne sitting on the couch. Audrey looks at me and smiles, but it looks forced.

I frown, wondering why she would cover up her sadness.

"Good morning," she says, still smiling. But it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Good morning," I say. "Do you want a cup of coffee?" she asks. I nod.

"I would love that."

Way to fast she stands up and walks to the kitchen, preparing a coffee for me. A while, later she comes walking back, with still the same smile on her face.

Something is wrong.

She hands me the cup, and with a thank you, I take it from her. While I go sit on the other couch, I take a sip and study the two Souls that are sitting in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I ask I'm sick of the nervous glances between them, and the tension in the room. Her eyes grow wide and nervously she grabs a lock of her pink hair and plays with it.

"What's wrong with what?" she asks. I narrow my eyes.

"Don't act like you don't know. The room is filled with tension, and you two are acting all nervous and jumpy. I want to know what's wrong," I say.

"So, again, what's wrong?" I ask again. Daphne swallows.

"Well, Audrey is having a hard time because of what happened this morning. She doesn't like to see when Souls get killed," Daphne says.

Now it's my eyes that are growing wide.

"What did you say?"

Now they both swallow. "This morning..." she croaks out.

"This morning what?" I push. "There... something happened," she continues.

"What happened?" I ask, growing impatient.

"This morning the Oldest Souls send a message through the whole city, announcing that there would be a punishment. Knowing what you would do if you'd come with us, we decided that it'd be better if you stayed home," Daphne tells me. My blood begins to boil. She'd rather have a Soul being killed than being embarrassed by me because I'd save them of being tortured?

"I don't like punishments, they make me sad, but I had to go because we have to. But I didn't know they would kill someone. I can't just bear it to be there while someone's life is being taken in front of my eyes," Audrey whispers.

I clench my fists, angry that Audrey had to see that, even though she didn't want to.

"I'm sorry," I genuinely say to her. "It's okay," Daphne answers for her.

"No! It's not okay! They killed Liz, Daphne! Liz! We were friends with her until Satan decided that it would be funny to kill her!" Audrey exclaims, on the verge of tears. So, it was someone she knew. That's way worse. But when they introduced me to their friends, I don't seem to remember a girl named Liz with them.

"I've never seen her," I say. They both look at me. "No, that's impossible. She was in the dungeon for more than 20 years," Daphne says. I frown.

"That's a long time," I mumble. Audrey starts to sob.

"I can't shake the image of her white hair covered in blood off me. It was awful," Audrey says and wipes her tears away.

"She was so skinny," she continues and starts to sob harder.

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