verse four

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My throat is dry, and I feel like my tongue just disappeared.

"You have no idea in what shame you put me in yesterday," Ian growls.

He takes a step in my direction, and I take a step back. He looks furious. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to give him the finger yesterday.

His black hair is pulled back with gel, and I see a black dragon creeping up his neck. He takes another step in my direction. It seems like he's planning on doing not so good things to me.

Quickly, he takes a couple of more steps toward me until he's standing in front of me, with eyes that are raging. He grabs my arm harshly, where the bandage is. I scream out in pain, and my scream echoes through the trees.

"Now you're going to pay for it," he growls in my ear. I whimper and try something to free myself. He turns me around so I'm facing him, and I try to come up with something.

I lift my hand and slap him across the face. Ian lets go of me and his hand flies up to his face.

I take this as my chance and stretch my wings. I try to fly away, but he manages to grab my ankle. I let out a shriek, and kick him hard.

On his nose.

He yells loudly and let's go of me.

As hard as I can, I fly away, above the trees.

"Filthy whore! I'll get you! Just wait and see when I get you!" he yells after me. The first thing I see is Damon's house, and I fly toward it.

The tears are welling up in my eyes, and while I land in front of his house, I go up to his doors and bounce on them.

"Open them!" I yell hysterically. "Damon!" I scream and kick on the doors. I look behind me, afraid to see Ian there.

But I see no one. I just hear his yelling getting closer. The tears are almost spilling out of my eyes, but I manage to hold them in. Fear takes over and I scream harder while I bang on the door.

And then the doors open. "Angel? What are you doing here?" Damon asks surprised.

"Please, let me in," I beg, my voice quivering. He holds the door open, and I almost run inside. Once inside, I look at him, not knowing what to say.

"What the fuck happened, Angel?"

I try to breathe, but my throat is being squeezed shut. "I-I was walking in t-the w-woods... a-and Ian just appeared i-in front o-of me and..."

I struggle with my words. I notice that Damon isn't wearing a shirt. I swallow.

Just breathe, Angelina.

I pump my lungs full of air and look at him. He quirks an eyebrow.

"I was walking in the woods, and Ian appeared. He was trying to do something to me, but I managed to escape, and your place was the first thing I saw," I explain.

Damon nods.

"Why don't you go sit on the couch while I go get something to drink?" he asks. I nod and go over to the couch.

Filthy whore!

Never in my life has anyone called me such awful names. Why would someone say that? I did nothing to him.

"Did I wake you or something?" I ask him, and motion to his jeans. He smirks.

"I was... busy."

I nod, not wanting to know what he means.

I try to focus on his eyes, and not on his chest. Without my permission, my eyes glance to his abdomen.

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