verse ten

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"Angelina," Margot smiles. Tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Angelina, do you know Margot?" Audrey's confused voice asks from behind me.

I take a step towards the red-haired girl in front of me, and carefully, I put a hand on her shoulder, as if I don't believe that she's real.

"It's you," I smile. She nods and pulls me in a hug.

"I missed you so much," I hear her sob.

"I missed you too," I whisper.

"Awkward," I hear Celine mutter. I roll my eyes, even though she can't see it.

"How do you two know each other?" Steve asks. I let go of her, and try to swallow my tears away. I turn back to the group of Souls, and Margot speaks up.

"When we were human, Angelina and I were best friends, until we died, and I woke up here in Hell," she says. "Oh," Audrey says, a frown still evident on her face. The other Souls nod their heads, understanding what Margot said.

Celine sighs bored. "I'm hungry, aren't we going to eat something?" she asks, rolling her eyes and twirling a blond lock of hair around her finger.

I clench my fists, swallowing back the bad words that want to leave my mouth so badly.

We all start by heading to a restaurant nearby and enter the building. Well, this one is a little nicer than the last one I went to. 

It's small, and the smell of grease and bear is evident in the air. I scrunch my nose up, and we all walk to a place in the back. Margot walks with me, and I'm so happy to see a familiar face here in Hell. One that I can trust.

We all sit down, and the others start to talk. Margot and I are in our little world, catching up with each other and bringing back memories.

We laugh at silly things, and it's like I'm human again, talking with my best friend. For a second, I'm just normal, and I'm thankful for that.

She's just as skinny as I remember. Her red hair is still the same. I've missed her, really bad.

But in the time when I was in Heaven, there weren't exactly times where I needed her. I mean, I had no friends in Heaven, but I could manage there, and take care of myself.

When I explained to my mother how I died, she became angry at Margot. And she still is. She thinks that it's her fault that I died. 

She wants nothing to do with her, and so does my dad. In the beginning, I was hurt, because I missed my best friend, and I needed someone to talk to. Later I became angry, I started blaming her for my death.

But eventually, I forgave her, because she was already paying for what happened in Hell. I don't know why she ended up there, but I'm not sure if it is because of the accident.

So, I forgave her, because I wasn't the only one who died. Margot suffered too. I notice that Steve is staring at me, and I awkwardly shift around in my seat.

"I've heard that Satan had an affair with Evelyn," Celine says nonchalantly. Audrey stiffens when she hears Evelyn's name. I throw Celine a nasty glance. 

"So? Not important. And he had no affair, I quote; 'I'm the Devil, I can sleep with whoever I want'," I say angrily, trying to defend Audrey. Daphne laughs, but when she sees that no one laughs with her, she stops.

Celine looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Yes, but Evelyn had an affair," she fires back. Audrey lets her head fall, and she inhales deeply.

"Audrey doesn't deserve Evelyn. Evelyn made a big mistake and Audrey is way too good for her," I snarl at her. Celine shrugs and takes a sip from her beer.

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