verse twenty-five

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When I arrive at Audrey's apartment, I feel a pang go through my heart.

She won't be there when I'm going to enter. Her eternal happiness will be gone, and I won't be able to see her pink hair.

Tears are starting well up, which I try to swallow away. I walk up the stairs, to the second floor and walk to the door where her name is written on.

With a deep breath, I push the door open, and as I walk in the living room I see I'm not the only one here.

Nate is seated on the couch and looks up the moment I walk in the living room.

I plaster I smile on my face.

"Nate! Glad to see you here," I say and walk further inside.

He smiles and rakes a hand through his brown hair. Then, he stands up and walks towards me.

"Thanks to you I can be here," he smiles at me.

Of course, he thinks that I'm the reason why Damon has set him free. I want to tell him the truth, but he takes a step in my direction.

I instantly close my mouth and wonder what on Earth he's going to do.

"And I wanted to thank you for that," he whispers. He takes another step in my direction.

Just for a second, I wonder if Damon is pretending to be Nate because that would be something he'd do.

But I'm distracted by the fact that Nate is standing way too close to me, and that there are just a couple of inches left before the space between us is closed.

When he stands in front of me, he starts to lean in, and I hold my breath. His face is in front of mine, and just for a second, Damon's face flashes across my mind.

His full lips, black messy hair, and his piercing blue eyes that hold a naughty look, like he's planning to do something.

His face appears in my head, and I realize I can't let Nate kiss me if I'm thinking about another man.

I don't know why, but I can't let him kiss me. Not when I'm imagining Damon's lips that are about to touch mine.

That's why I pull Nate in a hug.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close to me, so I can smell his cologne.

"You're very welcome, Nate. We're friends. That's why I'm here," I say.

"Y-yeah, that's what friends are for," he says with a surprised tone. I let go of him, and when I look into his eyes, I see disappointment and embarrassment.

But I try to laugh it away and I rake a hand through his hair. He smiles and looks away with red cheeks.

I feel bad for him because it was obvious he was going to kiss me.

"Well, I better go then," he mumbles and almost runs to the door. He doesn't let me say anything, because he slams the door shut behind him.

I laugh and shake my head, walking to my bedroom. I walk to my nightstand to grab my sketchbook.

"It was so obvious that he wanted to kiss you," a voice behind me says.

I freeze.

Slowly, I turn around and see Damon with his arms crossed leaning against the wall, next to the door. His piercing blue eyes look straight into mine.

I clench my hands into fists for a split second when I remember that he put Audrey away, my friend.

I want to yell at him, curse him for what he did, and for being so cold toward everyone. For being so ridiculous to lock someone away just for asking forgiveness.

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