verse twenty

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A knock on my door causes me to jump up.


The door opens, revealing a smiling Audrey. "Hey," she smiles, and I smile back.

"Hi," I respond.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me?"

Right, I promised her I would.

"Yeah, why not?" I say and plaster an enthusiastic smile on my face. I stand up from my bed and walk to the living room, only to see that it's nine o'clock in the evening. I turn to her with raised eyebrows.

"You want to go shopping at this hour? Why not tomorrow?"

She nods and face-palms herself.

"Right, I forgot. I was just so excited to go shopping with you. We'll go tomorrow."

Relieved that we're not going to the mall, I nod and walk back to my room.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Goodnight," I say.


I close the door behind me and sigh happily. How would the stores here look like? Is it like the real world? Or not?

I'll see tomorrow.

I walk to my closet and grab some pajamas. My clothes land on the chair and I close the curtains.

As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.

I wake up by loud knocking on my door

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I wake up by loud knocking on my door. I rub my eyes and sit up.

"Yes?" I ask, my voice hoarse. The door opens and Audrey walks in my room. Her eyes meet mine, but then go lower and she checks me out, an approving glint in her eyes. The blood rushes to my cheeks.

Right, she's lesbian.

I pull the blanket up to my chin and smile at her. "Good morning!" she says happily.

"Good morning," I smile.

And then I remember our conversation yesterday.

We're going to shop.

Just awesome.

"You didn't forget about what we are going to do today, did you?"

"How could I not?" I mutter, not audible for her to hear. "No, I didn't forget. I just didn't think we were leaving this early," I say and get up. I walk to my closet and take a pair of jeans and a simple shirt.

"I'll wait in the living room."

And with that said, she closes the door behind her.

That was... weird.

Audrey never looked at me like that. It was like she was checking me out; in the wrong way. It never bothered me that she was a lesbian, but now that I've seen her looking at me like that, I don't feel as comfortable anymore. 

I change quickly in my clothes and walk into the living room, where I see her sitting on the couch, a bored look on her face.

"Come, I already started the car."

She grabs me by my wrist and starts dragging me out of the apartment. I didn't know she had a car.

When she has pushed me in the car, she takes a seat and we drive away.

"So," she begins after a while of driving. I look at her.

"Did you do anything interesting here in Hell?"

"Not really, just hanging around."


There's an awkward silence. "So," she begins again. I smile.

"Yes?" I ask. There's a naughty smirk on her face.

"You have to admit, Satan is fucking hot, isn't he?"

I groan and rake a hand through my hair.

"I thought you were lesbian?" I ask, trying to dodge the answer.

"Please! Even a blind person can see how handsome he is!"

I mumble something and look out of the window.

"Angelina! You do like him!" she gasps. "I didn't say that!" I defend myself, but we both know that I'm lying. She shakes her head.

"Unbelievable. By the way, now that we're talking about him, you are spending a lot of time with him. How is he?"

"I don't spend a lot of time with him."

"Don't lie to me, babe. Most of the time you're with him.'"

She has a point. Much to my dismay, I'm with Damon.

"So? Tell me, how is he? I never spend time with him, he's too busy with his usual shags."

I chuckle.

"He's arrogant, evil, mean and he's too selfish.'"


I nod.

"Well, I know that he's a beast between the sheets," she smirks. Not wanting to talk any further about this topic, I begin about something else.

"Have you been praying recently?"

She looks at me with a surprised look. "Pray?" she repeats.

"Yeah, you wanted to go to Heaven, right?"

And then she realizes it.

"Oh right, I forgot," she mumbles, totally caught off guard.

"You have to pray if you want to go to Heaven. I can help you."

She nods and squeezes the steering wheel hard.

"Why did I want to leave Hell again?"

I frown at her. She would remember the reasons why she would want to leave?

"Because you're sick of Hell, I mean, I understand, because I'm also dying to leave and I've been down here for only three weeks. Some Souls are harassing you, you get the Black Whip and stuff and if you do something wrong; you end up in the dungeon."

She rubs her temples with one hand. "Right, I forgot," she chuckles.

"So... did you pray?"

"No, that's so boring."

I laugh. "If you want to go to Heaven you should."

"I changed my mind. It's probably way too boring up there."

"Hey! That's not true. There's a lot of fun, like, really a lot of fun. God's warmth is radiating off of him and you'll feel like home the minute you get there. Here it's only cold and everyone is distant and unfriendly."


She bursts out laughing. "Is that the only thing you can think of when you describe Hell? Unfriendly?"

I shrug.

"It's the truth," I mumble and continue to look out of the window.

"They probably eat rice and watch boring movies and they don't get to fuck each other." She laughs, and I can't help but laugh with her, but my smile soon fades.

"That's not true. You can do anything up there, except honoring the Devil, murder, rape, and all of that bad stuff like I said earlier."

She nods, and I notice the trees are slowly turning in old houses.

Old, ruined houses with broken windows and full of dirt. Graffiti covers the walls, the doors, and whatsoever. I swallow.

This is going to be a long day.

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