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We walked through the waterfall to see structures standing proudly in the out cove.

Motoi didn't join us, but the rest of us were there.

I then noticed that all the statues were headless. That's not creepy at all. Nope. Not at all.

"You'll be fighting the nine tails here," B told us.

"Uh--? I'm going to fight the nine tails?" Naruto asked, we were all looking at B rather confused. I mean-- doesn't that mean we'll have to completely break the seal? Once that seal is gone there will be nothing left of Lord Minato or Lady Kushina around Naruto except stories.

"That's right, you feel me? Fool ya fool," B replied. Naruto muttered out a simple 'yeah' in response and we all walked further into the creepy temple place.

"These ruins seem to be quite old," Yamato observed as we walked in single file (for some unknown reason), "I bet they have archaeological importance too. They should be restored."

"No," B shot down his idea immediately, "all of these statues were carved without heads to begin with."


Why the heck--?

"That's kind of creepy," I muttered, "what's the reason?"

"Wait-- but listen. How am I supposed to fight the nine tails here?" Naruto cut in before I got my answer, "really. How do I go about facing him in the first place?"

"I hope you're not going to do anything excessive," Yamato butted in.

"You think you can control a tailed beast without being excessive?" B asked, "fool ya fool. This is a sacred place where those selected as jinchuriki have long come to undergo purification ceremonies. It's here so you can talk to your tailed beast in a special way."

We stopped in front of a wall with what looked to be a wolves head carved out of the stone, mouth agape and above it was some kind of tower.

"Inside this structure, you hear what I'm say'n?" B asked, gesturing to the tower, "only those who have been chosen may enter this place. Put your hand in this space, if you're a good man, respect it. No darkness in your heart detected, the door will open, and you won't be rejected."

He gestured to the mouth of the beast on the wall. Now that I look at it closely, it's nothing like a wolf. Actually, I can't really tell what kind of creature it is. Just that it's... pretty ugly.

"Oh... look. Could you please explain this a little more normally?" Yamato asked, "I don't understand it."

"It's simple, Yamato. Put your hand in the opening and if you have no darkness harbouring in your heart, then the door will open up for you to enter without being rejected," I told him, "if he still harbours darkness then he won't be allowed to enter."

"Right. Thanks," he nodded.

"No darkness in your heart... that means... I see," Naruto seemed to fall deep in thought. What does he 'see'?

"However," B spoke up, dragging Naruto out of his thoughts, "if there's any darkness in your heart, then the doors will not part. Then the statue will bite off your head and tear you apart. You content?"

"Sinister," I nodded, "I like it. Good job freaking them out."

Naruto and Yamato didn't really react great to the whole 'biting off your head' and 'tearing you apart' bit.

B nodded,

"Those headless statues you saw on your way here are past jinchurikis who's hearts weren't sincere," B told us.

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