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"Tada~" the man appeared again but this time with a pale snake looking guy, "this is Lord Orochimaru~ he'll be helping out with this transference. Don't worry, he knows 100% what he's doing. Your life is in good hands!"

I managed to move and grab a scalpel. But I don't know if it's going to be useful against this snake dude. I've heard about him, the Sanin Orochimaru, apparently he's immortal.

"Just let me go! How troublesome..." I muttered as Orochimaru forced my left eye open. Then I watched as he just went to the crazy guy and pulled out his left eye.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

The man screamed but soon it turned into mad laughter.

Oh my god.

What in the--

Orochimaru moved to me and started to do the surgery to swap my blind eye to his fully functioning one.

The feeling in my body started come back just as Orochimaru got ready to do the right eye.

"Shadow stitching jutsu!" I shouted, the shadows jumping and wrapping around the two men.

"I thought you said she was immobile!" Orochimaru hissed.

"She was!" the crazy man shouted back. I jumped off the table and fell to my knees before forcing myself up and running. Running as fast as I could.

"The hell? It's like a freaking maze," I growled to myself, leaning against one of the walls to catch my breath.

"Hello there," it was Tomoe, "let's get you back to the table shall we?"

"Hell no!" I shouted; I opened my left eye to see if I could see. I could. But it was weird. Closing my right eye, I watch as the world seems to warp and spin weirdly. Suddenly something snapped inside of me, and I reached out and poked Tomoe's forehead. Instantly he started aging until there was nothing but ash where he was stood.

"Oh my-- what did I just do?" I staggered back before running again. This time Marie appeared, I did the same thing but instead she seemed to go younger and younger until she was nothing but a baby.

I ran again, the final two, Kyoa and Eran, were there, they looked at me weirdly as I ran over and did the same to them as I did with the other two. They both aged until their ash stage.

I sprinted and sprinted forward until the smell of fresh air hit my nose. I closed my left eye like I always do and found a large door. After throwing it open, I throw myself out, landing in a stream and being caught in the current.

"Help!" I shouted, trying to keep myself above the surface but failing miserably, "help! Itachi! Ren!"

Looking forward I notice something, that was the end of the stream, or at least this section.

"Man, it's just my luck to be dragged down to a waterfall," I grumbled before pulling out a kunai and trying to catch one of the stepping stones but the current was too strong and I was moving way too fast.

"Itachi!" I shouted again, "Ren!"

Suddenly a pink-haired boy and a black-haired boy both poked their heads over the side of the cliff.

"Rei!" Itachi shouted, "hold on, we're coming!"

"Funny, hold onto what?" I muttered sarcastically to myself as I watched the waterfall get closer and closer and closer to me. I closed my eye. Then opened it just as a thick vine landed in front of me. I grabbed it and felt myself being lifted out the water.

After a while I rolled over on my back at the top of the cliff, Itachi was knelt next to me with a face of worry and Ren was healing me.

"What happened?" Itachi asked.

"Knock out gas and then some freaky guy trying to steal my eyes," I replied, half lying, half telling the truth. I don't want them to know about my eye.

"And the four targets?" Ren asked.

"Dead," I replied, actually Marie was alive, but I don't think she'll be throwing kunai at us for a good 10 years or so.

"Let's get you home then," Itachi suggested, he pulled me onto his back and the two of them took off running through the forest back home.

"Sorry about this," I whispered to him, he looked at me and smiled.

"No need to apologise," he replied. I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eye. Just relaxing to the sound of the passing nature around us. Apparently, I relaxed so much that I fell asleep because next thing I know, I'm waking up to Itachi and Ren entering the Hokage's office.

"Ah you're back," he looked at us but then stood when he saw me, "is she OK?"

After patting Itachi to drop me, I walked over to him.

"I have something I need to speak with you about," I told him, he nodded and dismissed the boys before focusing on me, "our targets were eliminated, but not until after I was captured and... I saw Orochimaru."

He took a sharp inhale.

"What did he do to you?" he asked me.

"The man who had the targets capture me wanted me to have his curse, whatever that meant," I replied, "so Orochimaru transplanted his eyes. Well, only one, he managed to get and replace my blind eye before I managed to get free."

"Alright, can I see your eye?" he asked me. I nodded and opened my left eye again.

"How peculiar... Its glowing and its completely blue," he noted to himself, "do you know what it does?"

"Well, first off my sight is warped and weirdly moving. Second, when I accidentally used it, three of the targets were turned into ash and the fourth was turned into no more than a 2-month-old baby," I explained, he gasped and moved to his bookshelf. After grabbing a book, he flipped page after page after page before stopping.

"As expected," he nodded, "you have been cursed with the eyes... Well eye, of time. You need to learn to control it or you'll either force everyone you meet into becoming ash or a baby again."

"I see," I nodded, "I'll work hard to control it."

"Don't tell anyone about your eye," he told me, "Not even your father. It's for the best."

"Understood," I nodded, "is there anything else I should know about this?"

"At the moment? No. In the future? Maybe," he replied, "You're dismissed."

"Thank you, excuse me," I exited the room and sighed, "just my luck to be cursed..."

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