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"Wake up Rei, it's your first day at the academy!" I heard the voice of my mother call, "you too, Shikaku, you are on the mission list today!"

I heard a groan come from the room down the hallway from mine as I sat up.

"What a drag," we both complained, we both obviously heard each other because a chorus of laugher escaped my father, and I giggled a little to myself before getting up.


"1, 2, 3, 4," I was hopping down the stairs two at a time when my father appeared in front of me at the bottom.

"5, 6, 7," he stretched his hands out and I jumped onto him, his arms wrapping around me as he caught me and let out a grunt that sounded like he said "8" but I was unsure.

"Morning, Pa," I smiled up at him as he carried me through our three-man house which seemed to be a tad too small for the three of us.

"Morning, princess," he replied, planting a kiss on my forehead before he placed me down onto the bench across from my mother who was just sat grinning from ear to ear at the sight in front of her. She shuffled over and my father slipped in next to her, passing me over a small plate of chopped up fruits.

"You excited for your first day at the academy?" ma asked me, I smiled and shrugged, "no sleeping. Don't end up like your father who just slept through every lesson."

"In my defence, nothing interesting was happening so I didn't feel obliged to do anything," Pa shrugged, pulling a face behind ma's back and I allowed a small snicker to escape my lips before covering my mouth as ma turned and looked at Pa murderously. She started shooting calm but definitely annoyed threats at Pa as I just watched the two of them while eating my fruits.

Yep, they're my parents, Yoshino Nara and Shikaku Nara. They're such goofballs but I can see how much they love each other. Sometimes I think Pa needs a full squadron of anbu to protect him from (what I like to call) angry ma mode because man does she go on a rampage when she's in that mood.

"Anyway, come on now Shikarei, let's get you to the academy," Pa stood up as we finished eating and offered his hand to me. I gladly took it and watched as his bear-like hands ate up my own tiny 5-year-old one. Ma stood and kissed me on the forehead and Pa on the cheek. He frowned and stole a cringy lip to lip kiss. I groaned and hid my face in his side as they kissed for a while before finally saying goodbye and allowing us to actually leave.

"That was disgusting, Pa," I complained as we walked down the street, our joined hands swinging lightly as we walked together - myself feeling like I was running to keep up with him after his long strides outclassed my smaller ones.

"Sorry, Princess, I won't do it again," he chuckled before noticing my struggled steps and quickly swept me off the ground and placed me on his shoulders. I smiled and rested my arms on his head and my head on my arms. I just watched as we seemed to merge with a large group of parents and children. Must be starting school today as well, hm?

"Shikaku!" a familiar jolly voice shouted from our left-- I mean right. I turned and smiled.

"Uncle Choza!" I waved as the red-haired man pushed his way through the crowd.

"Hey, hey, hey, there's my favourite niece!" Choza pushed his fist close to me and I knocked my own against it and he smiled brightly before Pa sighed and greeted his friend.

"You two are here early..." Uncle Inoichi's voice piped up from behind Choza as he stepped around him. His blonde hair seemingly in a new hairstyle.

"Yoshino woke us up early," Shikaku grumbled.

"It was a drag but it's whatever," I replied before reaching out and patting Inoichi's hair, "new style? I don't think it's working out for you..."

"Ah man, I thought I could get away with it this time," Inoichi smiled before pulling it back in his usual style.

"Uncle Shikaku!!" two voices shouted from somewhere. Two boys came jumping into sight, a red headed kid jumped onto Uncle Choza and the blonde-haired boy just grabbed Pa's hand.

"Hello, you two," Pa greeted them before looking up at me, "this is Inoichi's boy and--"

"Alright can all the children go to the respective classrooms now!" someone shouted over him, Pa frowned before sighing and lifting me off his shoulders and kissing my forehead.

"Have a good day, I have to go now but I'll see you after school. You're in class 1B," he told me quickly before looking at the sky and then running away quickly with Uncle Choza and Uncle Inoichi running close behind him.

I frowned and started walking to the school building. I didn't bother sticking around anyone because a ton of people knew each other, and I knew basically no one.

"Ah 1B!" I nodded as I entered to see a class filled with really really loud people, "what a drag it's too noisy to sleep in here..."

I was about to walk in when I felt something hit me with so much force that I flipped into the classroom and just laid onto the floor with a sigh. The room fell silent before someone ran over to me.

"Oh man, oh man, I'm so sorry... Are you ok?!" a pink haired boy popped into my sight as I sighed and stared up at him.

"How troublesome..." I muttered, he gave me a blank look, so I sent him a small smile and sat up, "I'm good."

"Phew-- I thought I'd given you brain damage or something for a moment there," the pink haired boy sighed, stretching his hand out to me as I just eyed him cautiously. I took his hand, and he hoisted me back to my feet.

"What's your name so I can get my revenge later?" I asked him with forced seriousness, the boy looked at me scared, "I'm joking. Just joking."

"Oh... ha ha, yeah I knew that..." he laughed awkwardly as the whole class just watched us silently, "but I'm Ren. A-and you?"

"Shikarei Nara, it's a pleasure. Excuse me," I walked past him to an empty desk near the back and sat, burying my face in my arms and falling to sleep straight away.

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