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"Go on, Ren!" I shouted. This is the loudest I've been before.

It was the chunin exams.

For some reason they were experimenting with a different kind of exam. Usually, it would be teams for the first two rounds and solos for the final. But it's reversed this time. Solo the first two and team the final one... that is... if your teammates survived the second exam. If they didn't you were screwed.

Right now, though, it's the final fight in the final exam. Ren, Choro and Inoiché vs another team of Leaf ninja, some kid called Anko and two younger twerps called Kotetsu and Izumo... well they're older than me by a year or so but they're young compared to Anko who is two years older than me.

Ren managed to drain Izumo of quite a bit of his chakra.

"This must be the loudest I've heard Shikarei to be," Kurenai whispered to Asuma (not too quietly), who in return, just nodded.

Inoiché knocked the Izumo kid out and then watched as Choro finished off the fight by using his expansion jutsu on his arms and grabbing Anko and Kotetsu, smashing their heads together (not too hard, but hard enough to knock them out for a while) and then laying them gently on the floor.

"Yes!" I shouted again. They just won the chunin exams together. They're all chunin.

"Winner, Team Ino Ren Cho, looser Team Anko, Izumo, Kotetsu." the proctor announced. Yep. A new formation. Formation Ino Ren Cho. Not as strong as Ino Shika Cho or Ino Shika Ren Cho (strongest out of the two by a lot) but it's still strong and extremely efficient.

My friends looked up at me.

"Your turn now!" Choro shouted up. I just nodded and returned to my usual calm and lazy composure as I watched Lord Hiruzen give the three of them their chunin vests. He looks awkward, it's been a while since he had to do this.

After a while we all finally left the arena and met with my three teammates.

"That was one extremely youthful fight!" Guy exclaimed, clenching his fists dramatically as tears streamed weirdly down his face.

"It was rather good," Asuma nodded, "though you should work on that formation a little bit. We could all tell it was your first time using it for battle."

"That obvious, huh?" Inoiché asked sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I smiled and yawned.

"Shikarei here was shouting so loud, I almost thought we were sitting with the wrong Shikarei!" Kurenai exclaimed as her arm draped around my neck.

How did I get roped into this again?

Oh yeah...


"It was weird," Kakashi nodded, "I didn't think you Naras were anything but lazy."

I rolled my eyes.

"Stereotyping our friend now, hm?" Ren asked, clicking his knuckles, and looking at Kakashi annoyed. I just grabbed the collar of his chunin vest and dragged him back.

"What a drag... you're so loud," I grumbled, "where are we eating?"

"Ichiraku's?" Choro suggested, I just nodded and yawned.

"Let's go then!" Guy shouted.

"Guy don't invite yourself to someone else's plans!" Kurenai scolded him.

"It's alright, you guys might as well come," I sighed, my hand found their way to the back of my head as I started walking with Inoiché and Kakashi on either side of me.

Where are our parents? I guess you're wondering why Choza isn't crushing the life out of Choro and Inoiché and then giving a respective nod to Ren before hugging him as well? Well, they're on a mission. Even those guys get sent on the lame 'give this message to blah blah and don't fail!' missions. Our mothers are at home with our siblings.

"What can I get you?" Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku Ramen greeted us as we all entered and sat down.

"Just the usual's," I ordered for my team and Kakashi repeated what I said for his own. Teuchi nodded and went off to cook.

"Catch that cat!" someone's voice bellowed from behind us as a black cat came sprinting into the small restaurant and pounced at Ren.

"Shadow stitching jutsu!" I shouted, the shadows jumping and grabbing the cat, bringing it to me just in time for it to scratch viciously at my face before being pulled away by some big lady, "I hate... cats!"

My friends laughed and Ren started healing the scratches as Teuchi started laying out our food.

"I hate cats so freaking much," I growled before finally eating.

"Jounin exams start tomorrow, stop complaining and eat. You need the strength!" Choro hit my head, I grumbled curses at him before sighing and staying silent.

"Oh yeah you are, aren't you? We'll be there to cheer for you!" Kurenai exclaimed, Guy shot me a weird shining smile and a thumbs up as Kakashi and Asuma just nodded.

I have a question...

Are these guys ever separated...

Excluding times when Kakashi peeks over my shoulder to read my book?

I doubt it...

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