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"Naruto?" I knocked on his door.

"Hello? Shikarei?" Naruto came to the door, and I smiled.

"Hey, I need to ask you about Sasuke," I told him, he looked at me with wide eyes but nodded nonetheless before letting me in. I entered and the first thing I notice is this place is a tip.

"What do you want to know about Sasuke?" he asked me as he kicked a bunch of clothes out of the way so I could sit down.

"I just want to know what he's like," I told him, sitting down, "like is he kind-hearted? Friendly? Caring? Or is he corrupted?"

"Well..." he trailed out quietly, "he's... Focused on revenge? He wants to kill his brother."

My eyes widened as I heard those words.

"To avenge his family, yes?" I asked, he nodded, and I sighed.

I can't tell him about the kid. If I do who knows what that child will try to do to me or the baby. I guess I've made my decision.

"I see," I nodded, "you got through to the final exam, I heard."

I'm not going to tell Sasuke.

"Better believe it!" he grinned, the mood around us suddenly a lot brighter, "will you train me?"

"Unfortunately, I can't," I replied sadly, "but I'll be cheering you and Shikamaru on! Beat your obstacles, you, Naruto, will become Hokage. I know it."

He grinned and hugged me.

"Thanks, Shikarei," he smiled, "are you getting... Fat?"

"No, Naruto," I laughed as he let me go, "I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?" he questioned, "You're having a baby?"

"Indeed I am," I nodded, he brightened up.

"That's awesome!" he smiled, "maybe I can train him in the future."

"Maybe," I nodded, "and, Naruto, it could be a her too."

He nodded and smiled.

"Yes, stupid me," he replied as I stood up and we walked to the door, "have a safe trip home."

"Will do, thank you, Naru," I smiled before pausing, "oh and Naruto?"

"Yes?" he looked at me with full attention.

"This is our secret ok? You can't tell Sasuke," I told him, he nodded quickly, "also... you need to do some serious cleaning, ok? Goodness, how do you find anything in there?"

"Uhh—well, I usually just give up?" Naruto replied, I gave him a slightly judging look and he nodded, "ok, I'll clean up, promise."

"Good boy," I nodded before pulling out some money, "grab yourself something from Ichiraku once you're finish. Only when you're finished cleaning though, I'll know you don't."

Naruto brightened up and nodded.


A month later_

I stood outside the arena where the final exam was taking place, everyone except Sasuke had arrived (Naruto a little later than he was supposed to) and the matches had begun.

The Third Hokage and the fourth Kazekage were both sat high up along with dozens of nobles and villagers.

Just the thought of so many people sitting in one area and the idea that Orochimaru and Kabuto were planning something left me unnerved.

"Aren't you going in?" Kotetsu asked as he and Izumo were about to enter as well.

"Nope," I replied, "I'm working."

"That sucks," Izumo sighed, "We'll cheer extra loud for Shikamaru for you."

"Thanks," I nodded before they waved and entered the arena.

I sighed and rubbed my arms a bit to try destroying the wall of goosebumps that was currently defending my body.

It was really quiet and then loud cheers echoed through the arena.

Curious, I connected to the Yamanaka view that Inoiché was sending to me, Naruto was dancing around in the middle while a Hyuga boy was lying on the floor.

"Naruto won, thank goodness, but did he pass the chunin examination?" I hummed to myself before disconnecting again and looking around. I noticed the door beside me was slightly ajar and looked in, the halls were empty, so I just closed it again and decided to start walking when a familiar pale blue haired, glasses wearing enemy came into view.

"Kabuto!" I shouted before connecting to Inoiché again but this time shouting 'I'm going after Kabuto, leaving post' through the mental link so loud that I heard him shout out in an annoyed and pain stabbed manner before blocking myself from the connection out of a reflex. I sighed and then ran forward just to see Kabuto start sprinting. I chased after him, never allowing him out of my sight as I ran.

Corner after corner, street after street, I chased Kabuto out into the forest where he stopped suddenly and turned to me.

"Hello again," he greeted with a sly smirk, I glared and pulled out two kunai, "feisty, feisty."

Feisty? Since when does he..? No, never mind.

"Come with me peacefully, Kabuto, and you and I won't have a problem," I ordered, he let out a laugh before suddenly stopping and pulling out his own kunai.

"I'd like to see you try," his grin pulled out sickly before he shot forward.

He slashed at me, and I blocked with my own kunai.

It was a few swings later that I realised that Kabuto wasn't using his usual style of fighting. The usual medical ninjutsu fuelled fists weren't present anymore.

That's when I managed to kick his feet from under him as a loud explosion rumbled through the village. I glared down at the figure and pressed my index and middle finger on his forehead.

"Release!" I mumbled. A poof sounded as the transformation jutsu was forced to break. Under was a blonde with green eyes and a wicked smirk.

"You let yourself get fooled by a blood transformation," he laughed madly as another explosion rung through the area. I growled and stood up, running through the forest to see buildings destroyed and ninja from both leaf, sand and sound all fought against each other, the leaf being the only ones on defence.

"What's going on?" I questioned, "don't the leaf and sand have an alliance? Why are the sand attacking?"

I shook my head and quickly ran forward.

"Multi shadow monster jutsu!" I shouted, my shadow, along with everyone else's, jumped to life and fought along with myself against any and as many sand and sound nin.

"Thanks, Shikarei!" everyone thanked me as I ran past, I nodded until I stopped to see Inoiché, Ren and Choro stood with three anbu on a roof in front of a barrier. I jumped up and released my jutsu with an exhausted sigh.

"What's going on?" I asked with a frown.

"Orochimaru and Kabuto attacked," Inoiché replied, glancing over to me, "what happened?"

"The guy I was chasing had a strong blood transformation jutsu," I replied, "seems Kabuto and Orochimaru snuck past when I chased him."

"Orochimaru was already in the arena," Choro butt in.


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