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I got myself in a ready to battle stance. People cheering for me or the 'Nakisha' guy who I was fighting.

His umbrella opened up and dozens of senbon dripping with a crap ton of poison came flying at me.

"Well, isn't this an issue then..." I muttered to myself before attempting to dodge the senbon, successfully until he decided to throw a senbon himself and grazed my shoulder, "oh no..."

It was a quick working poison, I dropped to my knees as they lost all feeling, and I grasped my shoulder as it throbbed.

"Don't give up, Shikarei! You can win this!" I heard Ren basically scream from where he, Inoiché, Choro and our parents were all sat.

"Great, now we're all bloody inspired..." I sighed to myself, looking forward, "what a drag, this situation is just too troublesome."

"Looks like I've won now, little girl. Just give up, your small body can't handle my poison without my antidote," Nakisha sent me an evil and cocky smirk. I just looked at him bored before flopping down onto my back and stretching my hand out to make it seem like I was holding a cloud in between each finger.

"How troublesome," I sighed before saying, "I'm not giving up any time soon."

"Stubborn girl!" my opponent hissed to me before I felt a senbon catch my leg. Growling, I sit up and grab the senbon, shadows running all around me and starting to wrap around my body.

"You're really becoming a pain in my ass," I glared at him as the shadows moved away from me, the poison that was in me was now dripping off the shadows as I stood up.

"How did you do that?" he asked, looking at the shadows curiously as I crouched and did hand signs, making the shadow from the wall behind me, connect with my shadow and then move around so that it stretched out behind him and caught him.

"Shadows are my families forté. Trust me, you don't want to fight a Nara without coming up with a perfect strategy. But then again, my form of strategy is to destroy anyone else's strategy. Personally, I think that making someone work really hard to try and beat me but watch them fail miserably is definitely the best," I told him in a 'matter of a fact' tone before smiling as he panicked, realising that he was trying to move but failing, "shadow possession jutsu. Complete."

"No way!" he shouted.

"You can't move, just give up now. I have enough chakra to keep you like this for half the day. Just forfeit," I informed him. He sighed and his head dropped forward.

"I give up," he announced. The crowd erupted into roars of cheers as the proctor announced 'winner Shikarei Nara, loser Nakisha Lang'. Tsume sensei jumped down and dragged me into a tight hug after I released my possession. I hugged her back.

"I'm so proud of you!" she exclaimed loudly as everyone just cheered from where they were sat.

"Thank you for being my sensei, Tsume sensei," I thanked her, and she just gave me a proud smile as Lord Minato walked into the field.

"Our three passing chunin, Suri Tang of the hidden grass, Nakisha Lang of the hidden grass and finally, Shikarei Nara of the hidden leaf," he announced, passing the three of us a green chunin vest each and shaking our hands as he went. When he reached me he smiled at me.

"I knew that you would amount to great things," he informed me with a proud smile, "definitely the best ninja of your time."

I looked up at Lady Kushina.

"As will your future child of his own," I nodded, he grinned, "I can already tell he's going to be a handful."

Lord Minato just laughed and patted my head before turning and walking away again, my friends and family running over to me as other filed out of the arena.

"My little girl is a chunin!" Pa shouted, picking me up and hugging me tightly before something registered, "you're growing up too fast!"

"Man, what a drag, don't get all weepy on me now," I muttered to him in annoyance before feeling myself being pulled away until I found myself on a familiar red head jounin's shoulders.

"The proudest uncle to walk the earth!" Choza shouted which just annoyed Inoichi.

"Ah, ah, ah. No, Choza, I'm the proudest one!" he protested before the two started bickering like an old couple.

"Shikarei!" Ren called me from down on the ground, he showed me his right arm and pointed at a forehead protector on his arm.

"Whoa! You're a genin!" I shouted, jumping off Choza's shoulders and looking at the leaf symbol, "that's awesome! Congratulations! Now you can join our squad!"

"W-what?" Ren asked, Inoiché and Choro moved so they were stood next to me.

"Yeah a new formation!" Choro exclaimed.

"Ino...Shika...Cho...Ren?" Inoiché started thinking, I shook my head.

"No that sounds dumb. How about, Ino Shika Ren Cho?" I suggested, the boys beamed and nodded. Tsume sensei stepped forward and ruffled Inoiché's and Choro's hairs.

"Looks like team Tsume has another member," she grinned at him.

"Y-yeah," he grinned back at her, "I'm Ren Haruno, the only person who seems to be keeping Inoiché alive."

Inoiché pouted.

"In my defence, I genuinely don't know how I keep bleeding," he informed us all, causing us to laugh before we all finally left the arena and went out for dinner.

Leaving with our mothers balancing our drunk fathers on the way home at around 1am the next day...

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