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"He's freaking freaky," Choro shivered as we looked to the two Pains.

I think I'm going to call the multiarm Pain, 'Maruchitasukingu Pain' (multi-tasking) and then the older Pain, 'orange Pain' because it could get confusing if I don't.

Suddenly the orange Pain put his hand up and an overwhelming force began dragging us all forward.

"Partial expansion jutsu!" Choro grunted, his hands grew, one grabbed a new by building that was still strongly standing, the other caught myself, Inoiché and Kakashi before we could get too close to maruchitasukingu Pain.

The pull seemed to get stronger and Kakashi slipped out of Choro's grasp, he flew right into maruchitasukingu Pain's tail and then erupted in a flash of light.

I let out a sigh of relief as Kakashi was a lightning styled clone.

"Thank the ninja gods," Inoiché sighed before two giant fists slammed into the floor right where orange Pain was stood. Orange Pain dodged the two firsts and we all looked to see Uncle Choza and Choji.

"Dad! Choji!" Choro grinned as he went back to his normal size, and me and Inoiché straightened ourselves up.

Choza and Choji shrunk their hands again for us to see maruchitasukingu Pain was lying flat on the ground where Choza's fist previously was.

"Impressive," I smiled.

"One down, one to go," Choza nodded in satisfaction.

Oddly enough, I don't feel like that's totally true...

"Am I right, Kakashi?" Choza glanced to the rubble behind him just as the rest of their team landed around them and the rubble began moving to reveal Kakashi.

"Well, I did have something in mind, but this will help me preserve some chakra," Kakashi replied as he climbed out and walked over.

"Good work, you guys!" Inoiché waved at them, they all noticed us before Inoiché ripped the hem of his shirt and then wrapped it around my wounded shoulder.

"Hey--!" I winced, "you could be a little gentler with that."

"No time," he shook his head before we got ready to attack again. I knelt down and extended my shadow, it zipped forward and tried to catch orange Pain's, but he jumped out of the way, I followed him until I reached my stretching limit.

"Damn," I hissed, "I hate it when it does that."

"Are you OK?" Choza asked Kakashi.

"Yeah for the most part," Kakashi nodded before looking to us, "what about you three?"

"Us?" Choro scoffed, "puh-lease we can fight for four days straight and still be ready to go again!"

"I think that's a bit of a stretch when we don't have Ren," Inoiché rolled his eyes. I just rubbed the back of my neck and sighed, taking a few steps forward.

"Don't worry about us, we're good," I nodded.

They all nodded back to me before we focused on orange Pain. He seemed to be analysing Kakashi's moves as Choza and Kakashi spoke.

"Inoiché go left, Choro go right," I looked to my teammates, they nodded, "on the count of three."

"One..." I took a deep breath as I noticed orange Pain's foot shift slightly, "two..."

Choro and Inoiché were in their positions.

"Three!" I shouted just as orange Pain charged forward.

We all ran after him as Choji pointed out that orange Pain was charging at them.

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