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Please forgive my Killer B speech when I write my own lines because.... it's going to be really, really bad.


And so, after a long journey that was filled with more randomness and weirdness than I think I was ready for when I woke up each day... we finally reached the area of the turtle island we'd be staying on for god knows how long.

The area was shrouded in mist, and I watched as Naruto began calling for the octopus that I'm guessing is supposed to guide him.

I still think it's probably Killer B.

"Alright, please get ready to disembark now," the captain of the ship called.

"The island is coming into view!" one of the still nameless shinobi pointed out.

"Paradise here I come!" Naruto shouted getting ready to see something tropical, I suppose.

"He's going to be so disappointed," I chuckled to myself as giant spikes came into our sight, cutting through the mist and fog, "this place looks like a nightmare close up."

There were rotten carcases all over the place, crows flew down and pecked at them. The sound of some kind of animals shouting out somewhere within the island echoed around.

"That's... a paradise?" Naruto asked with a sour frog looking expression.

"Pay up," I turned to Guy. We'd made a bet a while ago, Guy being Guy had full confidence that upon seeing the island Naruto would be all sunshine and rainbows, while I said that Naruto would definitely be disappointed.

"Don't worry. It's nothing like the hidden leaf's forest of death, although, perhaps a whole lot flashier..." the cloud nin we'd joined at some point during our journey smiled at Naruto as Guy gave me the money he owed.

"No... reason to worry?" Naruto asked.

"Don't worry, it's safe here," the cloud nin winked, probably amused with Naruto's reaction, "just remember that as long as you don't provoke them, the creatures here will leave you alone."

"If it wasn't, we wouldn't have brought you here," I chimed in.

"Well... except for--" the nin stopped himself and we all looked to him for the rest of his sentence.

"Except for what?" Yamato asked.

"What part of this place is a paradise?! You stink, giant gramps sage!" Naruto shouted.

"He lives along the shore," the cloud nin said as a huge ass tentacle raised up behind him.

"U-uhm..." I poked Yamato in the side, "you're seeing that... huge... slimy... tentacle too... right?"

"Yep," he nodded.

"And we should probably move, right?" I asked.

"Most likely," he nodded. I nodded and patted his arm.

"Just checking we were on the same page here," I said.

"Hell yeah! Octopus tentacles!" Naruto noticed the tentacle.

"Unfortunately, I don't think that that is your friendly neighbourhood guide of an octopus you're looking for, Naruto," I said. He just ignored me and ran a little further on the boat closer to the tentacle. The cloud nin was just staring at it like 'oh shiet, we in trouble now'.

The body of the owner of the tentacle rose up to reveal...

"Naruto, that's actually--" Yamato started.

"A fucking huge ass squid!" I shouted, "everyone hold on tight!"

I grabbed the railing of the ship, as did everyone else as the squid slammed it's numerous amounts of stubby feet down around the ship.

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