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"I'll take our bags in," Ren tells me, "you and Himari go see crow."

"We'll be as quick as we can," I tell him, he shakes his head.

"Take as long as you need, I'm sure Lady Ruan won't mind," he told me, I smiled and nodded before turning to Himari.

"Alright, Hima, we're going to meet mommy's friend," I took her gloved hand and she grinned at me.

"Ruan?" she asked, I shook my head.

"No, someone else," I replied before leading her away from the hidden snow and into the forest where I'd agreed to meet Itachi.

It took a bit longer than I expected to get there because Himari decided she didn't want to walk anymore so now I'm giving her a piggyback.

"Shikarei," a voice called, I looked to the source of the voice to see a familiar looking ninja.

"Itachi," I walked over and smiled, "your hair is longer."

"I need a haircut," he nodded before looking around, "where is she?"

I knelt down and let Himari onto the floor and pulled her in front of me.

"Himari, this is Itachi," I introduced them, "Itachi this is Himari."

"Itwachi?" Himari waved shyly at him.

"Himari this is your father," I told her, suddenly her shyness disappeared, and she jumped on Itachi (who was now knelt down in the snow with us). He tumbled back and laughed a little as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

He sat back up and looked her over.

"She looks just like you," he commented, brushing down her hair.

"But she has your attitude," I replied, "it's hard to keep up with sometimes."

He laughed and smiled.

"How old are you now, Himari?" he asked her.

"3 and 10 months," she replied with a grin, "how owld awre you, daddy?"

His face dropped before the biggest smile I've ever seen on the man ever spread onto his face.

"She called me daddy," he looked to me, I nodded and smiled as he hugged her, "I am 20."

"You owld," Himari frowned.

"Your mother is 21," Itachi added on, Himari turned and opened her mouth.

"Don't you even dare," I cut her off, she giggled and jumped on me.

"How's Sasuke?" Itachi asked me.

"You didn't hear that he abandoned the leaf three years ago?" I asked.

"I heard rumours, but I didn't want to believe it," he replied sadly as Himari hid inside my coat and hugged me.

"Well, it happened," I sighed, "you OK, baby, are you cold?"

"I'm cwold," she whined, I hugged her and rubbed circles on her back, next thing I know I feel a pair of arms around myself and Himari and look up to see Itachi.

"What're you doing?" I asked him. He smiled.

"Keeping my girls warm," he replied before grabbing Himari and hiding her in his cloak and then taking my hand and pulling me to my feet, "I have a guy who can take some photos for us. I want something for Himari to remember me."

I frowned at him and gave him a slight questioning look.

"Why?" I asked, "are you dying or something?"

"Or something," he mumbled.


"I'll explain when we get to the guy, Himari needs to get out of the cold or she'll get sick," he told me before squeezing my hand and pulling me along.


"Here's the photos, I've printed three of each, one for each of you," the photographer told us, passing me two of each photo we'd just taken and passing Itachi one of each, "see you later."

The photographer left me and Itachi (who had a sleeping Himari in his arms) in the cabin alone.

"Explain," I ordered.

"I'm sick," Itachi announced, "and I can't get cured, I'm dying."

"Are you sure?" I asked, "Ren would happily look you over. He's the Head of his own Medic Nin division now. He isn't anything to scoff at now."

"No, Shikarei," he shook his head, "Sasuke will kill me either way."

"Is this that whole Uchiha revenge thing?" I asked, my anger starting to boil up.

"It is unfortunately," he sighed, "It's what I have to do."

I glared.

"Sasuke will never be strong enough to kill you," I told him, "well not for a good few years at least."

"That's the point," he shook his head, "I'll have one foot in the grave by the time we fight."

"How funny do you think you are?" I asked sarcastically.

"Rather funny," he replied before rolling his eyes, "you can't change what's going to happen."

"It's not fair," I frowned, he went to say something, but I cut him off, "everything that's happened in your life isn't fair. First you're born in the Uchiha, during a war may I add. Then you're taken out into the war by your father who thought it'd be brilliant to take you out onto the battlefield when things were just starting to cool down but really weren't. Then the Uchiha clan begin a coup d'état and lord third uses you and Shisui to try and stop it. Shisui dies and you get stuck with the job of killing or being killed. Then you were labelled a rogue and dragged into a criminal organisation so you can spy on it for lord third and--"

"How'd you find out about that?" he cut me off.

"You told me, remember?" I replied.

"Ah. Yes," he nodded his head with a sigh.

"Anyway, allow me to continue my rant--"

Itachi kissing me stopped me from talking.

We parted.

"It isn't fair, I'll accept that, and I really wished that I could've had a proper family with you, Shikarei," he grabbed my hand with his free one, "I love you. I always will, and I love Himari and I'll always love her too. But we can't change what's going to happen because it will happen no matter what."

Oh no. My life. My heart. My emotions, my throat is doing that thing when a limp forms and I really want to cry but I don't want to so I fight it, but it ends up happening anyway.

"You don't need to cry," Itachi shook his head.

See?! See what I mean?! I don't want to cry but my emotions have betrayed me!

"Didn't want to either," I replied with a small laugh, he gave me a sad smile and kissed my forehead.

"It's getting late, you and Himari need to get to the hidden snow before Ren sends out a search party," he pulled me up and put on a transformation jutsu, "I'll walk you to the outskirts."

"I hate you."

"I love you too," he took my hand and kept Himari under his coat before leading me out of the cabin.

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