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Choro snapped out of his trance and quickly grabbed Inoiché, threw him up like he was a ragdoll and then threw two kunai at him, pinning the blonde up by the shoulders of his shirt to the wall of the arena.

"And that there," I gestured to what had just happened, "is mine and Choro's escape from Inoiché's grasp, however, it was all theory but now I guess we know it worked."

Choro looked up to where I was stood and shot me a thumbs up, I threw one back at him before turning and looking at my leader.

"Our fathers may keep persisting that they're the best generation of Ino Shika Cho, but as you can see here, Ino Shika Cho, generation 2 is the superior generation of the two of them," I told him confidently, "even if it is a complete drag."

"Indeed, I would agree, all of you have created your own jutsu expanding off your clans original one. For you, Shikarei, it's your shadow cage and your shadow monsters. For Inoiché it's that psychological battle and Choro... I don't think I've seen any of his jutsu besides the clan jutsu," the Hokage nodded, humming in thought as he realised that fact.

"That is true, but trust me, when Choro gets going, his created jutsu will blind anyone," I told them, "his chakra takes on form of a bright, blinding light that takes the shape of butterfly wings. Just as the Akimichi clan's jutsu does."

"Fantastic!" Temari stepped forward, "you know your team so well."

"You see, we are a team of four as well," I told her as Inoiché was carried away from the arena and Choro went to rest now that he had secured his place as second place.


"Our fourth member is Ren Haruno. He is a medical ninja, and he has an incredible amount of chakra, and it makes me wonder if he was gifted with unlimited chakra, but it's not that. He just has great chakra control," I started explaining our missing members' jutsu with pride, "he is one of the three ninja known to be able to heal someone to perfect health even on the edge of death. The first being Hashirama Senju, the second being Tsunade Senju, the third being Ren Haruno."

"Your team sounds amazing!" Temari exclaimed, "I would like to train with you one day!"

"We'd be happy to have you!" I shot her a smile, "Inoiché loves teaching. That's why I think he may go on and become an academy teacher soon."


The last match was boring and now the three winners were in a line, the Hokage and I were approaching them.

"Allow me to introduce the passing chunin of this jounin exam, in third place, Nako Lo of the hidden cloud, second place, Choro Akimichi of the hidden leaf and Suo Yukiro of the hidden sand in first place," Lord third presented the three chun-- no, jounin. I smiled at Choro from behind with pride.

Everyone filed out and I hung back with Choro in front of the arena as everyone joined us.

"Hello, Inoiché, you feeling OK?" Choro greeted the blonde, Inoiché just nodded.

"Ren came and healed me," Inoiché pointed over his shoulder towards Ren who was talking to Guy, "that was pretty impressive, Choro, how'd you do that?"

Me and Choro gave each other a fist bump.

"It was our secret theory we've been working on," both of us said in unison.

"I'm glad it worked," I nodded to him, "but this is a secret between me and you Choro."

"I agree," Choro nodded, "it's a Shikarei-Cho-- no, Rei-Cho secret."

"That's a terrible name, Choro but sure," I grinned before noticing a new presence, "Hello, Temari."

"Hello!" Temari whispered before shooting a nervous smile at me, "I-I wanted to meet your team!"

I let out a laugh and nodded, placing my hands on her shoulders, and moving her around to the group properly.

"Everyone this is Temari, daughter and guard of the Kazekage," I introduced the blonde under my hands before pointing around them, "there's my team. Ren is the pinkie top, Inoiché is the blonde idiot who's bleeding, and Choro is the red head who looks like a farmer more than a ninja."

"Hello!" Choro grinned.

"Nice to meet you Temari-- wait what do you mean I'm bleeding?" Inoiché shouted, frantically turning to Ren who kind of just raised his hands and smiled awkwardly before looking past Inoiché and towards Temari.

"It's a pleasure, young Temari," Ren smiled at her before healing Inoiché's bleeding face.

"Seriously, how do you keep doing that?" Choro whispered to Inoiché teasingly.

"Then over there is Kakashi, Kurenai, Guy and Asuma," I pointed to the others who had moved a bit closer now.

Kakashi and Asuma just nodded and let out a grunt.

"Hello! Do you have the power of youth?" Guy asked loudly, jumping forward, and getting in her face. Kurenai grabbed him and pulled him back.

"Don't overwhelm her, Guy!" she snapped before smiling, "you look so precious. How old are you?"

"I'm 9," Temari replied quietly.

"Temari! Come on, we're going home!" the sound of the Kazekage echoed through the area, "now. Temari."

I felt the girl under my hands stiffen before she stepped away and bowed.

"It was a pleasure to meet you," she said quickly before running to her father's side, "goodbye, Shikarei, I hope to see you again!"

I nodded before turning away and frowning.

"There's something wrong with their father-daughter relationship," I muttered as the rest of us started to walk towards the barbecue restaurant.

"What do you mean?" Kurenai asked, she linked arms with me as we walked.

"Well, I don't know about you but, even though Pa is rather strict, he's also very loving and fatherly," I explained, "but it's like Lord Kazekage had nothing but detest towards his daughter."

"I noticed that too," Asuma nodded.

We reached the barbecue restaurant; however, Itachi was there.

"Sorry, can I steal Shikarei?" he asked as soon as he noticed us.

Kurenai unlinked our arms and lightly pushed me forward.

"Don't worry about it, she's all yours," she told us. I gave her an unamused expression.

"I don't like being forced into unnecessary things," I shot a narrowed gaze to her.

"He's your friend, is he not?"

"Well... Yeah..."

"Then it's not unnecessary, now go," she knocked me forward again, so I sighed and walked forward, grabbing Itachi as I walked.

"Come on then, let's not make this a waste of my time," I grumbled as we walked.

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