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Inoiché and Choro kept their eyes on Sakura, ready to grab her if she was going to do something. However, when she didn't move, the two of them relaxed. Sakura must've noticed because she took this chance to jump over the giant hole in the ground to where me and Sasuke were stood along with Karin.

"What's in it for you to join me?" Sasuke asked, trying to break free from my shadows.

Isn't the question usually the other way around? Why is he asking her what she'll get out of it? Man, his priorities are a bit scrambled.

"Just what're you plotting?" he asked. That's a really good question.

"I'm not plotting anything!" Sakura proclaimed, "ever since you left the hidden leaf village, I just keep finding myself regretting not going with you."

She's such an idiot, how is she Ren's sister? She's nothing like him, he's all cool and level-headed, he doesn't go out of his way to do weird or risky things. But Sakura... hm... words can't even describe what she's like.

"Look! I'll do anything that you want me to," Sakura exclaimed, "I'm tired of regrets."

Oh, you're going to regret something alright and that's pulling a stunt like this. I can assure you that Ren is not going to be happy with this. Not one bit.

"Do you know what I really want?" Sasuke asked, his eyes narrowed in her direction.

"Don't you understand? I don't care what it is I'll do it!" she shouted.

"To destroy the leaf village," he cut her off, "that is what I want."

"Ah... well you might have a slight problem with that," I mumbled to myself, slightly amused that the news of the giant hole in the leaf village still hasn't escaped into the world very far. The leaf village is a giant hole, how fun.

"Do you think you could really do that?" Sasuke asked as we looked at Sakura's shocked expression. Wow, she has no idea how to act either, does she? She is not fooling anyone with this 'I'm running away from home' act.

"Can you betray the hidden leaf for me?" he asked again.

"Yes I would," Sakura forced out, no you wouldn't, "if you asked me to."

I sighed.

Children these days have so much ambition, it's almost worrying.

"Alright, then why don't you prove it to me," Sasuke asked, "I want you to kill her right now."

He pointed to his poor Karin on the floor.

Not a hell in chance.

I sent my shadow out to Sakura as well and glued her to the spot.

"Both of you are so irritating," I sighed, "neither of you are like you're older siblings, makes me wonder if you really are related to them sometimes."

"Shikarei, Kakashi Hatake is coming," Inoiché spoke in my mind.

"He is?" I thought back.

"Yeah," he confirmed, "he'll be here in no time, and I don't think we should be here when he gets here, or things might get complicated."

"They're already complicated," I mentally sighed, "this whole situation is complicated."

"Yeah but we have a dead village elder, one who you publicly hated and vice versa, a rogue nin you have been trying to get into contact with and a sannins apprentice," he pointed out, "if anyone is watching Kakashi from afar, you may be in some serious trouble. Plus, we need to get back to the village immediately."

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