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I'm going to speed up the amount of time Tsunade takes to come conscious again or this'll never progress at a half decent speed. Or at least as decent as my lazy ass can make it :D


"Ma!" a voice shouted as I was walking towards where Tsunade was currently staying.

"Himari," I smiled as I turned to see her running over to me, Shikamaru was trailing lazily behind her.

"Yo," Shikamaru put a hand up in greeting as he shot me a lopsided smile, "welcome back."

I scooped Himari up and then reached out and patted Shika's head.

"Thank you," I grinned, "just don't go near Ren for a little while. He's a bit pissed."

"Language!" he exclaimed, lightly hitting my shoulder as Himari pressed her hands against her lips.

"Sorry, sorry," I laughed slightly before passing Hima to Shikamaru, "I need to see Tsunade before I do anything else. I'll be back before you know it though."

Shikamaru nodded.

"Come on, Himari, let's go to grandda," Shikamaru said as he continued walking in the direction the two must've been going in before Himari caught sight of me.

My daughter and my little brother, what a cute pair. For some reason, having Himari attached to his hip makes Shikamaru look like a huge softy and not a lazy complaining strategic idiot. Oh well.

I continued walking towards where Tsunade was, once there, I didn't bother to knock which obviously surprised Shizune until she saw it was me at the door and then she seemed to have some kind of knowing look.

"She awake yet?" I asked her.

"Yes, she is," Shizune nodded, "can it wait though? What you're going to tell her?"

"No," I shook my head, "it's imperative that I tell her this as fast as I can."

She took a deep breath in and then nodded before opening the door that led to Tsunade's room in the building (or one of the only ones that actually existed at the moment, I mean damn, we're basically camping 24/7 nowadays).

"Jeez, Tsunade, you slept longer than my father and that's saying something," I joked as soon as I walked into her room to see her finish probably her thousandth bowl of food, "good afternoon, Sleepy Head."

"Good afternoon, Shikarei," Tsuande sighed, "what can I help you with?"

"No so much as help me than it is listen to me," I replied as I sat on a cushion opposite her, "you might want to get yourself comfortable. I'm going to tell you everything that happened at the kage summit."

She seemed to get the picture and the atmosphere around us became serious.

"I understand," she nodded, "please, continue."

I nodded and began to explain everything to her.

I explained how I ended up slipping into the meeting in place of Kankuro as one of Gaara's guards because I didn't trust Danzo, I mean-- who would? He's an asshole schemer who tried to kill Shisui after stealing one of his eyes, forcing Itachi to have no other choice but to leave the village and become a member of the Akatsuki, not to mention it's no secret that the two of us basically hated each other's guts.

Then I explained how the first part of the meeting panned out with a very angry Lord A and some awkward interruptions, then how Sasuke broke into the summit, caused A to lose an arm, and then went after Danzo who escaped during the fight between Sasuke and the Mizukage.

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