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3rd Person PoV

Shikarei took a defensive stance as Dew stood on the offensive. One hand held a kunai, the other, a katana.

"So, they sent some 6 year old brat to come and wipe me out, hm?" Dew asked, Shikarei shook her head.

"Actually, a 10-year-old brat. Thank you," she corrected him before making her shadow expand, Dew noticed and laughed as he jumped out of range.

"You're a Nara brat! You don't think that little joke of a jutsu will work on me, do you?" he asked her as she sighed and grumbled something about the situation being 'troublesome'.

"Shadow strangle jutsu!" Shikarei called out rather loudly, the shadows started wrapping around Dew. He struggled against the shadows before managing to break out and lunging forward again, this time Shikarei hopped back and forced herself to slide under his jump, her arms throwing up and shadows shooting out her sleeves and wrapping around his ankles, swinging him around and throwing him through the trees, stopping him at a boulder and throwing him down into the ground harshly.

"I'm the first in the Nara clan who can manipulate the shadows so weirdly. So, don't underestimate me," Shikarei muttered more to herself rather than her enemy due to the fact he was quite far away from her.

"I'll take that into consideration then," Dew replied, appearing in the trees, one arm resting on it to keep him balanced, "but you won't escape here alive!"

"Likewise!" Shikarei nodded before they both lunged at each other. Their kunai clashing and clanging against each other as the two metal knives scraped against each other.

They fought like this for hours before Shikarei finally got the upper hand, attempting her shadow possession jutsu once again and this time succeeding.

"Damn it," Dew cursed, glaring straight into the eyes of the girl before smirking, "is that what you thought I'd say?"

Suddenly a large cloud of purple smoke appeared.

"Smoke bomb?" Shikarei questioned, startled before leaning back in time just to barely miss a kunai that came cutting down, however, not missing completely.

She released out a muffle scream of pain as she released her shadow possession jutsu and threw a hand over her left eye.

Blood poured uncontrollably from the slice that cut right through her closed eye.

"Why would you do that?" she hissed sarcastically through gritted teeth before jumping out the cloud to see he wasn't even where her shadow possession jutsu actually was, instead a log sat on the ground and Dew stood to her right four steps away.

"Finally, I hit you," he said, breathing heavily. Shikarei growled lowly, not moving her hand from her incredibly injured eye. She knew she was going to be blind in that eye by the end of this, but it didn't stop her from lunging froward and overpowering the exhausted man, quickly pulling his own kunai out his hand and across his throat as quickly as she possibly could.

"Finally... Mission complete," she grumbled before sealing his body away and placing her already blood drowned hand back over her left eye, hoping that it'd at least make her feel a tiny bit better, but it made it worse.


Shikarei's PoV

"Are you OK?" the gate guard asked, jumping out the booth. He was an old man with a lot of wrinkles and a really long white beard pulled into a sharp point around his chest. It was...a rather strange style but whatever floats his boat, right?

"I'll be fine for now," I replied before sprinting to the Hokage. He was in a meeting; I could hear the voices. It sounded like it was getting pretty volumed, so I decided he'd probably be happy about me interrupting, so I just burst into the door.

"Lord Third, I apologise for interrupting, but I have the body of my target, the mission was completed, however..." I trailed off, allowing them to guess the obvious reason why I did. It was my father, Choza and the Third Hokage who were in the room.

"Shikarei!" father quickly rushed over and pried my hand from my eye to inspect it.

"Leave the body here, I'll have someone take it to the medical ninja, you go to the hospital, Shikarei. Good work," the Hokage told me before I placed the scroll on his desk, as soon as I did, Choza picked me up and sprinted quickly to the hospital.

"I'm not dying, Uncle Choza! I can walk!" I whined at him as he and Pa ran before throwing themselves into the hospital.

"Heal now, complain later," Choza snapped at me before placing me down and flagging down a nurse, "help her now!"

"Oh my-- what happened to you?" the nurse shouted at me before dragging me away to a hospital room where I was then attacked by three medical ninja healing me up and cleaning my face.

After a while they settled.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but--" a medical nin sat in front of me and I shut him up by raising a hand.

"I'm blind in my left eye," I interrupted, "it doesn't take a genius to guess that, especially considering I couldn't see when you guys were flashing that incredibly annoying light back and forth."

"Yes, well, that's basically it. There's no way to fix your left eye either. It's too damaged," the nin told me, I nodded.

"What a drag, now I'll have to adjust to seeing out one eye," I grumbled before wincing at the sudden pain flowing through my left eye.

"Oh, and that wound will have to heal naturally, it'll scar into a pretty nasty scar too," the medic nin told me, I nodded and sighed, "I'd like you to stay overnight. Tomorrow you can return home."

"Thank you," I nodded, and the nin left the room.

"How're you so calm about this?" Choza asked both me and Pa. Though, when I looked at Pa, I could tell he was biting his tongue.

"I'm not, I'm freaking out on the inside," Pa told him before nodding, "I think it's time."

"Right now?" Choza asked, "she's in hospital..."

"Bring Inoichi, Inoiché and Choro here," Pa ordered, Choza just sighed and nodded before leaving through the window.

"I was worried about you," Pa told me, I smiled.

"That's your job though. As a parent you're supposed to be annoying and worry about your child," I kissed his cheek, "I'm fine, I promise."

"Love you, Princess," Pa whispered.

"Love you too, Pa."

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