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"Alright!" I shouted, "everyone step back out of the crater!"

All the nin jumped out of the way as I looked forward and focused on the giant hole in the floor. I've never turned time back on such a large scale before so... this might not work as great.

Taking a deep breath, I started imagining the hole as it used to look like. A flat area of land, businesses and buildings standing tall. Something that was undeniably beautiful for some unknown reason to me. Maybe it's just because I grew up here or something else... Though my house was right in the blast zone, I guess it doesn't exist anymore-- hold up! The photos of us with Ita! Why am I so much more worried about those than anything else? Probably because it's something I can't just click my fingers and hope that it comes back again. I mean-- Itachi is... dead...

"Uh-- Shikarei? Not to rush you but we need to know if we are going to have to fill this in manually or not... So, if you could just..." Kotetsu gave me an awkward smile, snapping me out of my thoughts, I nodded and focused back on the crater before me and began turning time back.

The centre started to build itself back up, gradually spreading out to the outer crater.

"Gah--" I cradled my head as an agonising headache split through my head and stumbled back. Looking up, I see the crater was totally fixed up but...

"The buildings aren't back," I sighed, "I guess that's as far as I can go with my eyes. Ah-- my head hurts..."

"You OK?" Ren walked over, "to be totally honest, I don't think I've ever seen you use the eyes before..."

I rubbed my eyes and winced.

"I don't like using them," I replied, "it's... Unpredictable and I'm scared I'll lose control. After what happened when I first got the first eye... no thanks to Orochimaru... I killed three people, turned them to ash and then turned the other to a child which got me back as she kidnapped Himari. The consequences are impossible to avoid. Now I need to lie down or something...my head hurts too much."

Ren nodded and watched as I walked to where a camp had been set up and immediately tumbled into the tent Ma, Pa and Himari were all sat in. I flopped down onto a pile of cushions and let out a pained sigh.

"Hm? You OK there?" Ma asked, I looked up and frowned at her, "I see, well rest up."

I dropped my head down again before hearing the tapping of tiles against wooden boards and looked up to see Pa and Himari were sat on opposing sides of a shogi board.

"What're you doing, Pa?" I asked, squinting at the game.

"I'm trying to... teach Himari how to play shogi but she just doesn't understand. I don't remember it being as hard as this when I taught you..." Pa replied, looking down slightly dejected.

I let out a small snicker before allowing myself to completely melt into the cushions.

So soft... I could just sleep here...


"Ma!" a sudden shout and the feeling of something dropping on my back forced me to wake up.

"Ow-- what the-?!" I let out a startled shout before black hair covered my vision as Himari's cheeky grin appeared in front of me, "Hima..."

"I'm bored," she complained. I smiled and sat up, careful to watch her, she was lying on my back so as I sat up I placed my hand on her back and then pulled her up onto my shoulders.

"Where's Ma and Pa?" I asked.

"grandma went to help with food and grandda went to help with clean up," Himari told me, resting her head on my own, I nodded and stood up.

"Why don't we go have a look," I suggested. I wonder how long I slept, hm...

"Shikarei," Shikamaru waved at me as we exited, he passed me a bunch of photos and an envelope, "I found the photos of you guys and Itachi and the letter he wrote for her."

"Ah, yeah," I nodded and took them before putting them in the tent we just exited, "how long have I been asleep? Everything looks a bit different."

"You slept right through from when you collapsed in the tent to whenever you woke up," he told me, "we were going to wake you up, but we thought it was best not to. Plus, Ren kind of threatened to make us suffer if we did. So..."

"He's gotten terrifying recently..." I cringed slightly before sighing, "well I'm going to take a look around. Anything I need to know?"

"Academy classes won't be happening until we've cleaned most of the rubble up then there will be classes wherever the teachers can find spaces to be safe enough," he told me as we walked through the camp site, "the only people doing missions right now will be jounin and it will only be if necessary, other than that no missions will be happening. Lady Tsunade is still recovering, no one has seen her recently so it's safe to say she's not ready to work again yet."

"That means we don't have a Hokage," I frowned. Shikamaru seemed to sulk.

"There's a council meeting soon and dad thinks that Danzo is going to try and put himself forward as Hokage. Although, I think dad has someone in mind to argue against with," he told me, "Shikarei, I've heard Danzo has never really liked you, so I beg that you be careful just in case he does become Hokage."

"That's no problem for me," I shrugged, "I can keep a low profile."

"No, you can't, Ma," Himari sassed.

"You've been spending way too much time with that damn Inoiché," I grumbled before looking away and focusing on the path ahead. It was still really messy but I'm sure if everyone works together... it'll be cleaned quick.

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