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"Alright, we're all here," one of the council men nodded before pulling out a sheet of rolled up paper and passing it to me.

'Kazekage, you have been requested to join a kage summit held in the land of Iron in two days.'

"A Kage summit?" I read out causing everyone who'd clearly not read the note to gasp, "but why?"

"Have you been living under a rock?" Kankuro asked me, "all the jinchuriki are being hunted down."

"Yes. I already knew that," I nodded, "I devoted a lot of my life to researching the Akatsuki who just so happen to be after the jinchuriki. Plus, I'm quite close with our jinchuriki, Naruto, so I can't help but to know. Not to mention those damn six paths of pain literally attacked our village to get Naruto but failed miserably, thank god."

I glanced to Inoiché.

He died during that fight...

"Yes well, the five nations' balanced power is no more now that the jinchurikis from one to seven have all been successfully taken away from their villages," Temari said.

So many have been taken?

"By your reactions, Ino Shika Cho, I'm guessing you had no idea how much this had progressed?" Gaara asked.

"No. We had no idea," Choro mumbled.

"This is really bad," Inoiché mumbled, "how the hell can we be nin and some who are really heavily relied on if we don't even know what's going on in the other four nations..."

"Seems we've been blinded from the truth," I hummed, "though, if I'm to say anything on the matter, the leaf village has been under relentless attacks recently. There was that boy called Sora who has a small section of the nine tails in him, he went berserk. Then we had the dead of the head monk at the fire temple which was of course followed with the death of Asuma then Orochimaru and Itachi, after that Jiraiya and then the attack... It's been one thing after the other... Non-stop."

Not to mention, Orochimaru is still after my eyes, as stupid as it sounds. Though he's dead, it won't stop him from coming after me some other way, I don't believe he'll stay dead knowing that snake.

"That's true," Choro nodded, "but now I understand why dad has been so tense on the topic of the other villages."

I let out a thoughtful hum.

This meeting has been in session for only a short period of time, and it's already become quite the revelation.

"So, it seems we may be facing the topic of another war," Inoiché suddenly blurted out. At those words, I couldn't help but to tense up. A war? Not again...

Memories of the front lines flashed across my vision, and I couldn't help but to mentally grimace. I've never stopped sleeping with a kunai under my pillow because of the war...

"Yes but not between the five nations," Gaara stated, "it'll between the five nations and the Akatsuki."


"They'll have so many tricks up their sleeves," I grumbled before leaning against the wall, "and I'm sure that Kabuto may have mastered that revolting jutsu that Orochimaru had been working on."

"What jutsu?" a council member asked, I looked at them debating whether to tell them.

Biting my lip, I sigh.

"The reanimation jutsu," I told them grimly.

"If so then we could be facing any kind of shinobi," someone mumbled.

"Wait-- but that jutsu can only be done if the user has some kind of DNA of the person they're trying to reanimate right?" Choro asked, I nodded, "so kage should be out of the picture because they've been buried for a while."

"Not necessarily," I shook my head, "there's always a way to get someone's DNA. All you need is a descendants string of DNA then you can pull it apart to make the one you want. Or at least, Orochimaru figured out how to do that a while back when he was actually a member of the leaf."

Everyone stiffened at those words.

"Or if they gathered the DNA when the nin were actually around... Like the previous Kazekage or Raikage, even the previous Hokage's. After all, Orochimaru was the thirds student and Lord Minato was Jiraiya's student..." Inoiché trailed off, "even doing a lot of digging and just recovering bones would be enough..."

Even so I think I'll be able to come up with a counter measure... The eyes of time will come in extremely handy coming in contact with people like them. However, I wouldn't be able to be in multiple places at once, plus it's not a certain that reanimation would even be used.

Though we should always keep all possibilities in mind.

"Anyway, I'll have to go to the summit to find out more information on the matter," Gaara broke the silence that had dawned over us, "that means I'll need escorts. Of course, I'll take Temari and Kankuro."

"Of course," the council nodded in agreement.

"As for the three of you, you should come with us and help support your Hokage," Gaara turned to me and my team.

Support Danzo? I'd rather be eaten by snakes.

"Look at their reactions. They're so unhappy about that," Temari gave us horrified looks.

"You obviously don't know who's in the Hokage seat right now," I stated rather blankly, "Danzo."

She cringed, now understanding our expressions.

"But I suppose it'll be the best for now," I nodded.

"Yes. We need to get all the information as well," Choro nodded.

"So, then we can tell Lady Tsunade," Inoiché finished, "she is the true Hokage and once she wakes up... She will retake her rightful position and lead the village to a speedy recovery."

Unlike what Danzo is doing... Just sitting around and claiming random things.

"Oh, we feel we should tell you this," Kankuro turned to us, "your so called Hokage claimed Sasuke Uchiha to be an official rogue nin of the leaf."

"What?!" we all shouted.

"What the hell is that man thinking?!" Inoiché shouted.

"There's a reason why Tsuna hasn't claimed him to be a rogue!" Choro shouted, "wait till I get my hands on him!"

I stepped away from the wall and placed my hands on their shoulders.

"Now, now. We all know you two don't have the guts to do anything against him, even if you did you'd not be able to because he's the 'Hokage'. If anyone is going to be kicked out the village if Danzo goes on a tangent, it'll be me," I told them, "so leave the dirty work to the person who's been headbutting him since the nine tails attack."

"Fine," the boys both sighed.

Not that I'm going to do anything anyway.

"Good, boys," I patted their backs, "now. When do we depart?"

"In an hour," Gaara nodded.

"We'll meet you at the exit in an hour then," I finalised before we excused ourselves and left the meeting to continue amongst the sand nin.

"This is quite worrisome, don't you think?" Choro asked as we walked back out into the blistering heat.

"Incredibly," I nodded, "if there's another war..."

The images of my friends and families gory bodies flashed across my vision.

I shook my head. I won't let that happen.

"Don't worry," Inoiché placed his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure that you won't have to go through such a thing again."

I hope you're right, Inoiché...

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