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A/N Before we begin:

First, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to each and every person who has taken the time to read my story, comment and vote. It honestly means the world to me. Starting this book, I had no idea where I was going with it. I was actually on a bus when the idea just came to me and I went with it. I know this story is far from perfect, but it's kind of turned into my baby now. 

Scrolling through stories on Wattpad, I noticed so many of them that highlighted abusive and extremely wrong relationships. Ladies and gents, never let your s/o boss you around or guilt you into something you don't want to do. Your sole goal isn't just to please and keep your s/o happy, and possessive behaviour is not normal! There are so many wrong relationships in Wattpad stories and most of the time authors don't take the time to warn their readers to make sure to keep in mind between fiction work, and how you should actually be treated in real life. My goal in this story was to try and showcase a more healthy relationship with someone. While I did keep some features of an "alpha male", I wanted to make sure everyone could distinguish between right and wrong behaviour. Never hesitate to speak your mind and stand up against wrong!

Anyways... After this chapter I will mostly be editing the story, as I literally wrote every chapter without rereading it, so I still have lots of work to do! As my characters are still very young in this book, if you guys ever want extra scenes where they are older, let me know! I was thinking of incorporating some marriage, pregnancy and children content as bonus scenes after I've finished editing the main parts of the story. 

SO, once again thank you all so much and I hope you enjoyed my story! I am currently brewing ideas for another werewolf story so stay tuned! Until then, sit back and enjoy the epilogue! 

Five Months Later- Amelia POV

"Luna Amelia, will you colour with me please?" Little Aaron asks as he tugs on the end of my dress. Currently I'm visiting the pack elementary school, I take weekly visits to see all the growing children and offer support to the teachers. 

When Stephanie said I would one day find my way of being Luna, she was completely right. I make sure to show my presence everywhere to offer my support to all of my pack members. From planting crops on our farms, to visiting our orphanage, and even holding meetings for pack members in my office who just want to talk, I finally feel like I've found my purpose. I even managed to book a lecture time to teach pack members about other valuable information, information that could be useful when in the human world.

 As our pack is expanding, so has our land. We're currently at 8,673 members and growing daily. The pack has never been stronger with our increase in numbers and strength. Christian has been extremely busy as well. With the help of Justin and Bentley, they train the pack everyday on the training field. He also holds weekly meetings with every department in the pack to ensure everything runs smoothly. With such an increase in members, Christian, Jackson and I also have our hands full finding homes and the perfect job for each new member, also Jackson seems to be taking the lead in that department. The girls have also been helping a lot in the pack, Allie is training to become a pack doctor! She spends all her daytime studying with Dr. Denver but absolutely loves it. Elena and Evelyn spend most of their time with me, helping provide guidance to all our pack members. Although our schedules have become insanely busy, we decided to always do Friday night dinners to spend time all together. Aside from Sunday morning pack brunch. We have begun construction projects all around pack lands for bigger facilities and new homes for our members. I even got my meditation garden! Elena and I hold yoga classes Tuesdays and Thursdays, I even managed to convince Christian to participate a few times! I miss both my parents everyday, but I know they're always watching over me. The main pack gym is now named in memorial to him, it's safe to say I shed some tears at the surprise. It took the pack about a month to get past the war and devastation, but now we're flourishing and I couldn't be prouder. 

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