27- Connaître la communauté

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I slowly come back to my senses as I feel the heat from sunlight piercing through my eyelids. My eyes flutter open and I begin to take in my surroundings. My attempts to move are ruled out completely once I notice the pair of strong arms wrapped securely around my waist. I look up to see Christian's god-like face facing me, he looks completely relaxed in his sleeping form. Almost like a little boy who's taking a nap from playing for too long. I spend a few moments admiring his features, his normally neat dark hair is now messy and pushed back with curls all over the place, his dark eyelashes fall just above his popping cheek bones. I notice a little stubble along his jaw line and trace my fingers along his plump lips. 

"Good morning beautiful" He mumbles out in his low and groggy morning voice. I'm caught by his beautiful blue orbs piercing into me. My cheeks heat up at the thought that he was awake the entire time I was admiring his features.

"Good morning" I reply with a small grin. He pulls me into his chest and growls lowly, resting his head in the crook of my neck. 

"I think that was the best sleep of my life" He says while tracing his fingers down my bare back. 

"So whats the plan today Mr Alpha" I ask him as I make my first attempt to get out of bed. He resists my attempts and keeps me placed in his arms. 

"Would you be up to meeting the pack? We don't need to do any ceremonies today, but we can go to the pack brunch?" He suggests. Oh gosh I forgot about the ceremony Stephanie explained to me a while ago, so many customs and rules!

"The pack brunch sounds nice, what time is it at?" I ask him. I turns over to his night stand and checks his phone. I feel his body freeze once he looks at the time. 

"In about ten minutes" He answers chuckling. This time I jump out of his hold and run to our closet, already thinking of outfits I could wear for today. I decide to rummage in my sun dresses for the occasion. Hmmm should I go for the yellow one or the white one with roses?

"I'd go with yellow" Christian says as he walks into the closet. I put the other dress back and grab some tan heeled sandals to pair it with. The yellow spaghetti-strap dress ends just above my knees and the fabric is a little ruffly at the top where there is a v-neckline and flares at the bottom. I run into the bathroom to change and finish getting ready. Once we've both changed, Christian joins me in the bathroom as we brush our teeth and finish our morning routine as fast as possible. I put in some cream in my hair and leave my natural curls flow down my back. 

"You ready?" Christian asks as I put on my last layer of mascara. He put on a white polo shirt and dark wash jeans paired with black running shoes. 

"Yep! I hope we're not too late!" I reply as I clean up my counter space. I walk towards the doorway where Christian is standing and he grabs my hand and makes me do a small spin for him.

"You look beautiful, and so does your mark" He says as he kisses the spot on my neck when I finish my twirl. My body melts at his action and I hold on tightly to his arms trying to hold my legs up. 

"I didn't even look!" I exclaim. I rush back to the mirror to get a closer look and it is really beautiful, almost like a tattoo. In the place he marked theres a big black wolf's paw print on my upper collar bone. I gasp in awe at its beauty. I was never one for tattoos, but this one is definitely very special. "I love it" I say excitedly. He extends his hand once again towards me, flashing me a wide smile. 

"As much as I'd like to stay here all day with you, people are waiting to be fed." Christian says. I take his hand and we rush out of our bedroom to make our way to wherever the main dining hall is. 

"You don't have to be nervous Lia. They already love you" Christian says as we as we descend the elevator, I assume he can hear my rapid heart beat. 

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