8- Comme un vrai adolescent de secondaire

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Amelia POV

"Good morning class, today we will be working on our greek mythology essays. Don't forget to let me know which god you choose!" Great just what I need on a Monday morning, an essay. 

"Pssst. Allie, Evelyn who are you guys choosing?" I ask.

"I'm going with Artemis." Allie says.

"I'm choosing Diana, what about you?" Evelyn replies.

"I have no clue, I don't even know the half of them." I say. Our conversation ends there. Ms. Thomas is very strict on no talking policies and I don't want to get on her bad side already. I think I'm going to go with Aphrodite, she seems to have quite the story to her. 

After a boring English class, the entire day was slow and uneventful. At lunch, I had a meeting with the soccer team to discuss practice schedules and games. We are going to practice every Mondays and Wednesdays, with games on Thursday. Coach said there's no practice today, so I invited Allie to join me at dad's gym after school. Word got around and at the end up the day Allie, Evelyn, Jackson and Justin decided to all come to my dad's gym. Christian and Bentley weren't at school today, apparently they caught a stomach bug. So now here we are walking into my dad's gym. Its packed!! 

"Hey Sandra, are the sparring rings free? They want to learn some of dad's techniques" I say to the receptionist and point to my friends. Dad had to hire some help since he really upped the size and level of the gym compared to the one in Paris. 

"Sure Lia, I'll tell ur dad you're here. He's finishing a training group in about 10 minutes." She replies. She stamps everyones hand and points to everyone where they should go to change.

"Thanks Sandra" I say. I managed to change at school so I walk straight over to the punching bags and start my warmup. 

"So who's ready to get their asses kicked... Lia?" Jackson says in a snicker. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you cuz" I reply stepping onto the ring. We both put on gloves and got into our starting stance. I know that Jackson is a lot stronger than me so I'm hoping to bring him down in technique. 

I step and get the fist punch, right in his ribs. He barely looks affected but I don't let that stop me. He manages to get a hit on my jaw before I can dodge it. He's really fast for someone who hasn't had much training in boxing. I fake a right hook and knock him with my left. I manage to get a little stumble from him and use it to my advantage. I get three more jabs on his ribs before he pushes me off of him.

"Get him girl!" Evelyn says.

"You're really gonna just let your cousin beat your ass like that Jackson?" Justin snickers. 

Our fight goes on a little longer until I get a hold of his arm, twist it and flip him over. I get him into a headlock and finally, he taps out. 

"Yass girl kick his ass" Allie says. Jackson gives her a little pout before getting up from the ground.

We kept sparring like that, taking turns in the ring and comparing techniques. They were all incredibly strong and fast so it was hard to keep up at times. Even dad came by to watch for a bit to help us. After about an hour and a half we all went to change and use the showers. With the way we worked out, we all needed it. 

I finished my shower first and went to see dad in his office before I left with Jackson. 

"Wow dad, it's packed in here!" I exclaim.

"It's crazy Millie, a lot of people are so strong and fast already! Looks like keeping fit is a trend in California. Once they have the techniques down, they might even be able to beat me" He replies. I guess I'm not the only one to notice a lot of people here are very strong.

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