26- Petit souper en famille

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Today has finally came! After a week in the boring old hospital room, Dr. Denver has finally cleared me to leave. I've been recovering pretty well, my body has regained enough strength to walk on my own for a good amount of time, I'm able to keep down a good two meals per day and I'm slowly getting some body mass back. I will be officially moving in the pack house too. I've gotten much more comfortable around Christian and aside from nightmares, I don't fear him. Stephanie and Elena have been around a lot with me too, just talking about my experiences and explaining the blanks. Annabelle has jumped right back into things as well, she got discharged a few days ago, seeing as her werewolf healing helped her much faster. Dad also put up our house for sale, he is going to move in with Carrie. They run the gym together and seem really happy together. Right now I'm changing out of my hospital gown and packing up my things before Christian comes to pick me up. Evelyn dropped off a pair of grey joggers and a white sweater this morning before I woke up. I put my hair in a high ponytail and throw the hairbrush in my bag. 

"Alright Lia, we're bailing you out!" I turn to see Allie, Evelyn and Elena walking into my room with wide smiles. 

"This day could not have come sooner!" I reply, matching their grins. I lug my bag over my shoulders and follow Allie, Elena and Evelyn out of my room, catching a glance at it one last time. I won't miss you tiny hospital bed!

"Alright Amelia, if you don't feel good I need you to let someone know right away! You'll have to come by every few days for a checkup in the next two weeks as well. Other than that, have fun Luna. You're officially free!" Dr. Denver says as we reach the nurses desk for my discharge papers. 

"Christian got caught up with work, so he asked you fax over the papers to his office" Elena says to the nurse. Her and Evelyn are taking care of my papers for now. 

"Thanks Dr. Denver" I reply to him. He pulls me into a quick hug and then departs to another hospital room. After the papers are all finished, me and the girls finally leave the hospital. I jump around in excitement once we get passed those glass double doors. The girls laugh at my silliness.

"If you guys had to eat that green crap for breakfast every day you would be jumping around too" I say as we walk towards the pack house. 

"So what do you wanna do first?" Evelyn asks excitedly. 

"I'm long overdue for some good food. Let's make dinner for everyone tonight!" I reply. It's been far too long since I've been in the kitchen. 

"I definitely won't say no to that!" Allie exclaims. We all nod, agreeing to the plan. It's about mid-afternoon right now so by the time I drop everything upstairs, it should be cooking time!

"What will we make?" Elena asks. 

"What about a lasagna? Oh and pizza!" Evelyn suggests, her face lighting up at the though of food.

"Yes! We can do a tiramisu for dessert too!" I reply. Smiles grow on our faces thinking of our dinner plan for tonight. Eventually, we reach the pack house and take the elevator upstairs. 

"Have you guys seen the new renovations?" I ask the girls as we walk down the hallway to my bedroom. 

"Honestly, I've only been down this hallway maybe once or twice." Evelyn says. 

"Thats gonna change, because I'm planning on throwing sleepovers in here!" I reply, opening the bedroom door. The girls gasp in awe at our bedroom, and my eyes light up as well. Even though I've already seen it, I fall in love every time. 

"Wow! He really did a great job. Tell Christian I want him to redo my room for my birthday" Evelyn says as the girls walk in and look around. 

"Do you guys mind if I grab a quick shower?" I ask them, I hate the hospital smell that lingers on my clothes and skin. 

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