6- Fêtons avec des nouveaux copains

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"Guys I'm not sure about this... Its quite revealing for just a house party..." I look up and say to Allie and Evelyn. We've finally finished getting ready. Allie is wearing a royal blue tube top, paired with tight black leather pants and black pumps. Evelyn is red tube top, paired with similar tight black leather pants and red pumps. I am wearing a cheetah print tube top, paired with another similar black leather pant and red pumps. We all decided it would be super cute to be matching! While I love the idea, the outfits show quite a lot of skin. Allie applied my makeup, she kept my face bare but did a cute winged look with false eyelashes for my eyes. Evelyn helped me straighten my hair. 

"Lia, calm down. You've got a killer bod, its time to show it off" Allie said.

 "You're dressed fine Lia, our house parties are pretty intense anyways. You'll fit right in." Evelyn reassures. 

"As long as you guys are sure. I love that we are all matching!"I say excitedly. After that we stage a mini-photoshoot and take pictures. After another thirty minutes, we decide to head down to the party. We waited a little while longer so it was already pretty packed when we got downstairs. They hosted the party in their backyard, which I thought was so smart since there was tons of space. As soon as we got there I'm pulled by Evelyn to go meet up with the guys. They've already set up a beer pong table. 

"You guys look great. Especially you Evelyn" Justin says. He quickly goes over to Evelyn and pulls her into a kiss. 

"Thanks guys. Are you ready to get your asses kicked!" Allie replies. The teams are Evelyn and Allie, Justin and Bentley, and Me with Jackson. Up first are me and Jackson vs. Justin and Bentley. Little did they know I hold a title back in France for my skills.

"How the fuck did you get three in a row?" Bentley exclaims. Him and Justin give each other a look in confusion

"I got really good in France. In my last couple of months there, I became quite the party girl" I replied. Everyone has their fixes for dealing with pain. Mine was hunky dudes and a bottle of booze.

Soon enough our round ended. Me and Jackson crushed them. I was still a little tipsy though. I haven't seen Christian around yet, its weird since I'm hanging out his friends. After the game I make my way to the bar and construct my own vodka cocktail. Allie and Evelyn join me on the dance floor but they're soon pulled away to dance with their own boyfriends. I stayed dancing with some other girls who were on the soccer team; Giselle and Isabella. Soon enough my feet started to get sore and I needed to pee. I was a little tipsy too.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom see you later loves" I yell. The music was insanely loud!

"Okay stay safe girl" Isabella replies. 

I escape the crowd and stumble inside to find the bathroom. After what it seems to be 20 minutes I finally find the bathroom. After doing my business I exit the bathroom and make my way back outside. As I'm exiting the house, some girl bumps right into my shoulder. Normally I'd play it cool but it was pretty hard and she didn't even apologize. 

"Hey! Watch out!" I say. I'm not one to get pushed around and not say anything.

"It's you who should be careful. Stay away from my Alpha. He's mine!" She yells back and shoves me. Who tf is Alpha? My body sobers up in an instantly. 

"I don't even know who Alpha is!" I return. I don't really want to make a scene so I decide to turn and go back towards the party. Suddenly I'm pulled back and she's yanking my hair!

"Don't act innocent Amelia, you know exactly who I'm talking about" She yells as she's pulling me down on the ground. Thats when I see other people's eyes on us. So much for not making a scene. 

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