22- La fuite

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Amelia POV

"Annabelle, ce soir tu sors d'ici. Je vais distraire notre garde et tu vas courir le plus loin que tu peux. Le pain que tu as mangé en extra lors des deux semaines va t'aider avec ta force." (Annabelle, tonight you are escaping. I'm going to distract our guard and you're going to run as far as you can. The extra bread that you ate these last two weeks will give you strength) I say to Annabelle as we go over our plan for a last time. These past two weeks I've given almost all my rations to Annabelle in order for her to be strong. We've been planning for a very long time and Victor is planning on taking Annabelle away tomorrow so it's now or never. Thankfully she's picked up on French quick, so we can talk to each other easily. 

"Je ne veux pas partir sans toi" (I dont wan't to leave without you)She replies as I pull her into a hug. With her gone I'm sure I will get all the beatings and more torture, but she doesn't deserve this. Annabelle deserves her life, and I am willing to die trying giving it to her. She will not be a slave to that man. 

"Tu vas parter ma papillon, et ne reviens jamais." (You are leaving my butterfly, and never return) I say to her harshly. I've given her the nickname butterfly because she is a true beauty behind her shell, and once it's out in the open, she spreads colour to everyone she's around. 

"On va te sauver" (We will save you) Annabelle whispers, holding onto me tightly. I don't want them to come back, Christian will kill me. I'm hoping Annabelle will forget about me in here, because I will not leave with that monster. Christian is why I am here in the first place, I hate him. I used to see good memories of him, but now I know it was all fake. Christian is the true monster, he's the one behind my nightmares on that awful chair. 

"He awaits kitten" I turn to glare at the guard who's walking towards our cell. Right now was time for my second visit to the monster of the day. The same thing happens, they strap me on the chair first, then Christian comes in and tortures me or kills me. He's ruined me. The guard rustles with the keys and opens the door to the cell. I usher for Annabelle to take her stance and she gets up, and prepares to leave. As soon as the guard comes close to my, I wrap my chains around his neck and send the hardest knee butt to his face as I possibly can. The guard falls onto the floor, unconscious. I pick up his keys and toss them to Annabelle. She fiddles with her handcuffs and finally unlocks herself, she briskly gets up and takes one last glance at me. 

"Fly away my little butterfly." I whisper out. She's about to reply, but the guard starts moving around again. She bolts out of the prison and up the stairs. By the sound of the door, I can tell she's made it out. Relief washes over me, as I finally feel peace. I pray that she escapes and finds happiness, that she lives the life she deserves. 

"You bitch!" The guard gets up and sends me flying with an upper cut to my jaw. My back hits the wall hard and I fall to the ground, coughing up blood. "Christian won't be happy" He says with a sinister grin. He yanks me from the floor and drags me across the hallway, my bare legs skidding on the cement floor. As we enter the room, he grabs my wrists and throws me onto the chair. Strapping my arms and head as tight as possible. He injects me with the same liquid and my eyes flutter shut. 


Annabelle POV

Trees! Grass! The moon! I take in my surroundings as I run as fast as I can away from the underground bunker. I attempt to memorize the location as I brush past trees and jump over logs. I run for what seems to be hours, my strength rapidly decreasing. If only I was of age to shift. My legs are begging me to stop, my lungs barely circulating enough air for me to move on. cannot stop. Amelia sacrificed her life to save me and I must get help to get her out of there. I keep sprinting through the woods until suddenly I hear rustling and low growls. I turn around to see two wolves behind me, chasing me down. A shriek escapes my lips as one of them tackles me down. My back lands hard on the ground and the wolf stays on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I turn to face the wolf and notice, no red eyes. These aren't rogues! They're from a pack! They don't carry Victors scent either!

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