11- Notre première bisou

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"Elena! I'm so happy you're here! Lucky for you you're stuck with me for French first period" I say excitedly. Just as dad dropped me off at school, I saw Bentley walking in with Elena so I rushed to catch up with them. "Oh, and hey Bentley" I add.

"T-There's s-so many p-people here" Elena lets out in a whisper and clings to Bentley's side. He wraps his arm around her to help ease her stress. 

"Don't worry about it Elena, you have us here. Remember you can contact me whenever." He speaks lowly to her. "Hey Lia, good timing" He adds and looks towards me with a slight smile. We continue walking in the school and make a quick stop in the office for Elena's official schedule. After picking it up, we go our separate ways as I make my way to my locker. Bentley said he's going to escort Elena to class himself and I promised to save her a seat beside me. I slowly make my way towards my locker walking through the busy school walls. 

"Hey Lia!" Giselle passes by me in the hallways. She's such a kind soul and I love playing with her. 

"Good morning Giselle!" I smile back at her. After our brief exchange I finally reach my locker. After a couple of minutes looking for my things, the bell rings and it's time to get to first period. I quickly make my way to class and reserve the seat beside me for Elena. After a couple minutes of sitting down and a small conversation with Isabella, I finally see Elena make her way through the door. She looks like she's seen a ghost. I get up right away and wave at her so she comes to sit beside me. I can see the relief on her face once we make eye contact and she hurriedly makes her way to the desk beside me. 

"Maintenant mes cours de français vont être le fun puisque j'ai finalement une amie qui me comprend" (Now my french classes will be fun since I finally have a friend who understands me)I say to her. I learned during our first encounter that she was raised with French as a mother tongue. 

"Ce bâtiment est tellement gros et il y a beaucoup de personnes dans les corridors!"(The building is so big. and there's so many people in the hallways!) She replies. Maybe she has never been to school before?

"As-tu déjà fréquenté l'école?" (Have you ever been to school before) I ask her. 

"Pendent quelques années, mais il était un petit école privé "(For a couple of years, but it was a small private school) She replies. 

"You'll love it here trust me" I say and give her a little squeeze on her hand. Soon enough the second bell rings and class starts. 


"LUNCH TIME!" Evelyn says as she jumps around my locker. I've never met anyone so infatuated by food before. 

"Yes! Let's go, we should be there before Elena and Bentley show up!"I reply and grab her arm to drag her in the cafeteria. We spot Allie and Jackson and join them at our usual table. 

"Hey guys, I'll be right back I have to buy my lunch" I say quickly as Evelyn sits down. I slowly make my way in line for the cafeteria. 

"H-hey f-freak! D-d-did I s-s-stutter" I hear behind me. I quickly turn around to see that girl Emily picking on Elena! Where did Bentley go! I leave my spot right away to go and confront Emily, I'm not holding back this time!

"I-I-I-" I hear Elena stuttering as she holds her arms up to protect herself.

"Whats going on here Emily" I say pretty loudly. I make my way between Emily and Elena, shielding her from Emily's nasty glare.

"Just teaching stutter over hear how to speak" She says snickering as she turns to two other girls who I presume are her side kicks. 

"Back off or I'll make you" I threaten. This is the second time she acts like this. No more nice Amelia. Emily's facial expression turns into a smirk.

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