29- Un attaque inaperçu

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Christian POV

This is the third fucking time Victor has one of his rogue minions leave white Lilies and a picture of my mate by our boarder. Tonight was a picture of her from when she was taken and it was goddess awful to look at. It's currently 4am and I, along with other warriors are scouting the perimeter for any sightings of the culprit. 

"Alpha, the security footage is ready" Wesley mind-links me from the Northern Boarder office post. I turn my wolf around from the hunt and run back towards the office. I shift quickly and throw on my jogging pants before entering the office. 

"Good morning guys" I say in a light tone as I walk into the video room. Wesley, along with our tech guy Titus chuckle lightly at my sarcasm. Titus presses play on the video and we all watch to see who the person was leaving the flowers. After a few seconds of nothing, a person comes into view. They're wearing a cloak as they put down the flowers and the picture and as they leave they finally look up and. It's Emily! Of course Emily would seek to help my enemy. I growl lowly at the recognition. 

"If you see her again, take her to the cells. I don't care if it isn't on pack grounds." I grit out. "I'll send out pictures of her to all the surrounding packs as well. Thank you for your time warriors" I add. Both warriors nod and finish writing down the paperwork. 

"Thank you Alpha" They both reply. I shove the flowers in the trash and leave the office. I shift once more and head back to the pack house while holding my clothes in my mouth. All of a sudden I feel a hard pain in my side, but notice nothing has hit me. Amelia. 

"Bentley go to Amelia. something is wrong." I mind link Bentley as I pick up my pace to the pack house. Hopefully he'll still get my message in his sleep. It takes me about five minutes to reach the pack house and I shift back and run straight through in my nude form. Deciding against using the elevator, I run up the stairs and finally reach the top floor. As soon as I open the door I hear the screaming of my mate and a loud crash. I sprint down the hallway and see Bentley running fast behind me. As soon as I get to our bedroom door, I barge in and see a wolf snarling on top of Amelia. Just as it's about to bite down on her I lunge and knock the rogue off her. The rogue tries to lunge at me again but I quickly intercept it and bite down on its neck, causing it to go limp. As soon as the rogue stops breathing, I turn back to Amelia, who is balling her eyes out. 

"it-I where were you?" She half yells through her sobs. I grab her in my arms as she cries into my chest. I look around the room to see another unconscious wolf, with glass shattered all around it. Trying to piece together what happened, I notice the lamp on Amelia's night stand is missing. She must've knocked the rogues down pretty good. 

"Bentley take the rogue down to the dungeons please" I say as Bentley looks around the room as well. Bentley bends down, grabs the rogue and leaves the room. Suddenly Amelia freezes in my hold and pushes out, bolting into the bathroom. I hurry after her and attempt to hold back her hair as she empties her stomach in the bowl. I gently rub her back as her frame shakes from the over exertion. After a few minutes she leans back and tries to get up. I scoop her in my arms and bring her back onto our bed. As soon as she lies back down, I hand her the water bottle and some Advil, which she gladly takes. 

"T-They tried to kill me" She whispers. I pull her back into my arms as I feel Xavier stir for control.  "Oh my god did I kill one" She gasps as she looks down at the shattered glass on the floor. 

"No it's just unconscious. Are you hurt" I ask her, attempting to scan her for injuries. I remember when I felt my side in pain and I quickly lift up her shirt to see a very dark bruise already forming and I release a low growl at the sight. The whole thing was a bloody trap! I try to trace my hand on it but she winces and whimpers lowly. 

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