13- Secrets et Revelations

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Amelia POV

Why does my heart hurt so much? Okay I'm somewhere that smells like disinfectant products, lying down on a soft surface so I'll assume on a bed. I think someone is holding my hand... wait... OH MY GOD. The wolves! How did I get here! Okay let's start by opening my eyes. One, Two, Three! 

I slowly open my crusted eyes and I'm hit with an even bigger headache from how bright the room is. I look around and I'm in a cream coloured room, with white machines and beeping noises. I'm guessing by the smell and simplicity of the room, I'm in the hospital. I slowly turn my head to face the person who's holding my hand and I'm met with the familiar blue eyes I've learned to love. 

"Amelia. You're awake! DOCTOR!" I hear Christian say. 

"shhhh" is all I manage to blurt out. My head is still pounding. Christian hovers over me now and pulls me into him. I feel myself melting in his hold and he rests his head in the crook of my neck. Wait... HE LEFT ME TO FEND WITH THE WOLVES FOR MYSELF! I push him off me with all the force I have left and glare at him. 

"What the hell! You left me to fend with those wolves!" I say and smack him on the shoulder. His face is flooded in confusion at first and then eventually a smile grows on his face, followed by a snicker. 

"Angel, I was there with you the whole time" He replies, holding back a smile. I stare at him in confusion. How was he there with me, there was only a big black wolf that helped me. 

"No. A wolf saved me, you saved your own ass" I reply coldly. How could he say he protected me if even I opened my eyes he was gone like the wind. 

"Look at me Amelia." He says, and locks eyes with me. I stare into his beautiful blue orbs wondering what he's talking about. Wait. No thats crazy. I mean the black wolf does have similar blue eyes to Christian but thats impossible. I must've really bumped my head if I'm considering Christian is that wolf, only by his eye colour. I let out a giggle. 

"I have no idea what you're trying to say here" I say, still giggling. There's no way a man can turn into a wolf, even though I did feel the same warmth when I looked into the big wolf's eyes as I do Christian's. 

"Amelia, uh I was the wolf" He says looking dead serious. Oooooookay where's the cameras, I'm definitely on a pranking tv show. I continue to look at him but I can't see anything but sincerity in his facial expression. 

"Ooookay and I'm a mermaid, maybe I should pinch myself to get out of this weird dream" I say. Christian continues to look at me dead serious in the eye. Is there a possibility that this is actually true? Like its impossible, but could Christian have been that wolf? I did only close my eyes for a second, and I would have seen Christian run away and that black wolf did appear out of nowhere. The colour drains from my face. 

"Amelia I'm serious. We all are, I've been wanted to tell you since I met you, but your family wanted to wait a little while" He says, still looking dead serious. What? My family?

"What do you mean my family?" I ask. 

"Jackson is a werewolf, he's part of my pack. Your dad is half werewolf, but you came out human so he ever told you about it. But all of us are, Allie, Evelyn, Elena, Bentley, Justin and well me" Christian says. This joke isn't funny anymore.

"Stop. This prank isn't funny anymore Christian" I say coldly. There's no way my own father would lie to me about this. 

"I'm sorry angel, do you want to hear it from your dad? I mean I can show you right here if you don't believe me" He says, with a guilty look on his face. Oh my god he's actually not lying. My family are wolves. My friends are wolves! They all lied to me! I feel my heart rate pick up and it's getting harder and harder to breathe. THEY LIED TO ME! 

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