14- Des tours à jouer

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"So hows my favourite little Luna doing today? Any headaches or nausea?" I'm greeted by the bubbly Dr. Denver this morning. I've been in the pack clinic for two days now, and I'm praying he'll discharge me. Dad went to sleep at home, and Christian has been staying on a cot beside my bed. I tried to convince him to get some real sleep in his bed, but he insisted on staying with me. Right now he's doing some work, so I was about to take a nap.

"I feel great. Like a new person, stronger than ever ya know?" I say convincingly. Truth is my head still hurts if I move quickly, or if someone is really loud, but I need to get out of this room!

"From your charts, you look healthy enough to be discharged. I'll call over Christian and we'll get it sorted" Dr. Denver says. 

"Actually, could you call down Evelyn? I just convinced Christian to finally do some work and I don't want to bother him with my discharge. Maybe contact my dad too?" I insist. These past few days I've learned much more about their pack, and how big Christian's role is. No wonder he can't go to school anymore!

"Sounds good. The paper work should only take a few minutes, and I'll fax it over to Christian's office. You're good to go, but take it easy. No physical activity for at least two weeks, no more than an hour a day on electronic devices, and make sure to notify your teachers if you get a headache at school" He finishes. 

"Thanks for everything doc!" I reply. He shoots me a smile and leaves the room. I jump out of bed and change into a pair of jogging pants that my dad brought and one of christian's shirts. No hospital gown! Finally!! 

"Jailbreak!!" Evelyn bursts in the room, wearing a big smile. 

"Three days is more than enough hospital time for me!" I say. Evelyn lets out a chuckle and guides me out of the hospital. I wave bye to all of the nurses and finally get a step outside in the fresh air. I take a moment to appreciate my newfound freedom. 

"C'mon slow poke. Your dad is waiting at our place" Evelyn calls me over. We both hop in the golf kart and she drives off towards the mansion. They drive around in golf carts on the pack land, I'll definitely have to convince the guys to let me test one out sooner than later. After a short five minute ride, we finally pull up to the familiar mansion. I am greeted by Jackson, Allie, Elena and my dad on the front steps. 

"You're finally free!" Allie exclaims. Her and Elena run up to give me a hug. Everyone visited me in the hospital every day when I was there, as much as I hate that they lied to me, I can't stay mad at them. 

"Careful with her guys" Jackson says in the background. I learned that Jackson is the Delta of the pack, and will actually be spending a lot of time with me when I take on my role. One of his main duties now, is keeping me safe. I still have not completely wrapped my head around this whole werewolf thing to be honest, but I've decided to take it day by day. 

"So Millie, are you ready to head home?" Dad says as we all turn towards him and Jackson. I definitely missed my own bed, but being home means I'm not around everyone else anymore, especially Christian. I've developed mixed feelings about the whole scenario. 

"Yep, I'll just let Christian know I'm leaving first" I reply. Dad nods in agreement and we all step into the mansion. My dad, Allie, Elena and Evelyn all sit down on the couch while Jackson brings me to Christian's office. 

"He has an office on this floor too, but his personal office is on his floor of the pack house. Him and Bentley share a floor to themselves. It's basically like a mini apartment up there. Only Bentley, Elena and Christian are allowed up there, and us, if we are invited. But seeing as though you are Christian's mate, it's basically your floor too." Jackson explains as we get on the elevator. He motions to a sixth floor button on the key pad. I was wondering why Evelyn and Allie didn't take me up there on my first tour of the house, now it all makes sense. After a minute or so, we finally emerge on the sixth floor. The elevator doors open and I'm greeted by huge windows overlooking the wide range of greenery outside. Jackson and I both step off the elevator. 

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