33- Des signes ignorés

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"Lia you're here!" Annabelle exclaims as I walk into their home. I'm meeting Stephanie for tea along with a couple other Lunas from the convention. Since the Alpha's will be in meetings all day, we decided to get to know each other a little better. 

"Hey papillon!" I reply grinning and lift her up in my arms for a hug. With all the planning for the convention, I haven't had much time to spend with her. 

"Oh Amelia, how are you?" Stephanie says as she turns down the hall and notices Annabelle and me. I gently place Annabelle back down and walk towards Stephanie. 

"I brought scones!" I responded. Stephanie grins ear to ear at my declaration and I let out a giggle. 

"I've been craving these for quite a while now! Come in! The other Luna's are out on the patio." Stephanie says. We walk through her house and make it onto the back porch where I see two Luna's I met last night sitting and chatting. The second the back door opens, both women turn towards me with warm smiles. 

"Luna Amelia, I'm so glad you've come!" Luna Polina says. She's Alpha Giovanni's mate and seemed lovely at the convention. 

"We were just talking about how well you did the ball yesterday!" Luna Esme adds. She's Alpha Killian's mate, another one of Christians close family friends. 

"This girl wouldn't accept anything under perfection!" Stephanie exclaims. I take a seat at the table beside Annabelle and Stephanie, Esme and Polina sit across from us. 

"Christian sure has lucked out in his mate. You're a beauty!" Polina says as she pours me a cup of tea. Annabelle and Stephanie are already downing their first scone. 

"I still remember the first day I told him about mates. He never believed he would ever settle down in the beginning. Boy did you ever prove him wrong!" Stephanie chuckles. 

We spent a good four hours chatting and learning about each other. Polina and Giovanni have three children at home, with the eldest being fifteen. Esme and Killian are expecting! Throughout the time, a headache has been slowly creeping in the back of my head and I've started to feel a little lightheaded too. Luckily Christian should be here any minute to pick me up and hopefully after a nap I'll feel a bit better. 

"It was so nice getting to know you both!" I say as I pull both Esme and Polina into a goodbye hug. They're wonderful ladies and hopefully they'll visit soon. 

"You too darling." Esme replies. Both women wave goodbye to us and Stephanie closes the front door. 

"Christian!" Annabelle exclaims as Christian's car pulls into the driveway. Annabelle, Stephanie and I exit the house to meet him on the front lawn. Annabelle jumps in his arms and hugs him tightly meanwhile Stephanie and I trail close behind. 

"I feel your wolf surfacing Anna, she'll be a strong one" Christian declares as he hugs her and Stephanie jumps in excitement.  

"I'll be able to go on pack runs!" Annabelle squeals and Christian puts down a jumping Annabelle. 

"Soon enough. You guys had a good time?" Christian turns towards me and his mother. 

"My little daughter-in-law has gotten my friends to love her more than they love me. It was so great to catch up with old friends" Stephanie replies.  

"We only have an hour to get ready for tonights barbecue, Lia are you ready?" Christian asks. 

"Yep! Thanks again Stephanie, and see you soon petite papillon!" I wave goodbye to Stephanie and Annabelle and get into the car with Christian.

"Could you not drive so recklessly" I huff as my head pains from all the bumps and turns we take in the car. My headache has yet to go away and has grown increasingly irritating. 

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