After Party

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I didn't told anyone about what happened as it will only cause much drama. Besides I can handle this my own.
I changed into my PJs and laid on Jungkook's bed with one arm across my head and closed my eyes. While Yoongi directly went to sleep in his bed without changing.

'What's got into Sam?'
'Since the first time we met, he kept trying to shape my thoughts.'
'But today's incident was entirely another case. For a second I felt like I didn't knew this person.'

'But he's your friend Y/n. He wants only good for you.'

'Listen to him, only he can make a star out of useless girl like you.'

I heard some footsteps so I assumed the boys were back. I sat up straight and got off the bed.
'You can sit here. We won't ever mind!.'
Taehyung grumbled and I understood the change in his voice once the stench reached my nose.

"Thanks but I think I like living room better." I said as I patted my hand on his shoulder and left.

"Woav..woav..woav!" I uttered as Hoseok fell on me but I was quick enough to keep a balance.
"How much have you drunk?!" He passed out with his neck on my shoulder.
"Let me take him to the bed." Jungkook said slurring.

"First handle yourself!" I yelled as I saw him stumbling too.

Namjoon came running as he heard me shouting.
"At least someone is not drunk!"
He helped me get Hoseok to his bed but instead we laid him on Jungkook's as he wasn't in the condition to climb up. Then we got Jungkook besides him.
"Now where's Taehyung?" Namjoon asked.

"Hyung, let's make Cypher 5. I want to be in it! Suga hyung!" Taehyung was mumbling standing over Yoongi who was unaffected by his act.

I dragged him to his bed.
"But I want to be in Cypher." He kept chanting.

"You will be if you go to sleep like a good boy." I said and covered him with blanket.

Only 2 more to go.

"Namjoon you go get Jin. And I will take care of Jimin."

I went to the living room and saw Jimin coming towards me. As soon as he saw me, he became red. He came towards me with his unsteady steps and started pushing his pointing fingers at my shoulder.
"You....You took my food. You food thief!"
He didn't looked like the cute little boy, he always is. I made a mental note to myself to never get Jimin angry. To settle the matter for now. I said.
"Sorry Jimin. I won't do that again. But please for now lets go to the room."

"No. I don't want your sorry. I want my food back!"

Talking to him was useless. Why do I have to deal with this again! All this reminded my of my mom! Flashes of me helping her out ever single time she was drunk played in front of me. My brain restricted me to take more of this craziness. I rubbed my temple to think of what I should do now. I somehow convinced him to settle on the couch.
"You are a very bad person!"
"First you take--- my bed then my food!"
"And--and a few days back you took my photo!"

"You Told Me To Take Your Pic To Post On Fancafe!! You Idiot.!!"

"I will never forgive you!" He kept repeating.

"SHUT UP!! IF YOU DON'T STOP TALKING I WILL TAPE YOUR MOUTH!!!" I got annoyed and infuriated by how this day was going on.


I turned my head towards the voice  and get a pillow smacked at my face. When it falls I see Yoongi standing at the door of the room. I clench my teeth and narrow my eyes at him, take the same pillow, stretch my hand backwards and throw the pillow right onto his face with my full force. His eyes became wide. It was at this moment I knew, I messed up.

Without thinking I ran outside the dorm to save myself. I ran down the stairs but stopped when I didn't hear any other steps. I sat on one of the steps to catch my breath and pulled out my phone from my pocket. Opened the contact list and scrolled down until I found the name 'Mummy'. My fingers lingered on the top of the screen for a few seconds until a call came in.

I cut the call as soon as I read the name 'Sam' but soon his messages came flooding in. I didn't care to open them. Irritated by this constant calls, I picked up.

"Hello Y/n?"

"Sam I don't want to talk to you. Please stop calling me."

"Listen Y/n, give me a chance to explain."

"I am keeping the phone."

"But I am in front of your building. Please come down. It will only take 5 minutes."

"What! Why are you here?"

"I need to apologise Y/n. Just meet me for once."

I ended the call without giving an  answer. I saw up the stairs, didn't wanted to go back to the house. I looked down, didn't wanted to go down either. I wish I could just stay here on these gray concrete steps. But eventually I stood up and went down the stairs.

"You have only 5 minutes." I said as I reached Sam who was pacing outside.

"Y/n, I am really sorry, I was drunk, I-I lost my senses. I didn't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me!" He expressed with his hand making unnecessary motions.

It was ten and was pretty dark but still some people were out on the street and were staring at us.

"Errm.... let's go inside first."
We went inside and stopped by the stairs.
"I seriously don't wish to hear any of your explaination. You have said your sorry already. You can go now.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Look Sam, I know that you were wasted. But that doesn't give you the right to touch me and treat me the way you did! There were other people too who were drunk."

"But they didn't feel for you like I do." He said in a mellow voice taking a step towards me.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I moved back touching the rail of the stairs.

He placed his one hand on the railing besides my right hand. I gulped.
"Nevermind. I don't want to hear anything." I said, trying to brush off the conversation.

He setted another foot near me making the distance between us only a few inches. I tried move in the other direction but he placed other hand on my left side trapping me in between the railing and him. 'Turning into a psycho by handling the influenced boys and being killed by Yoongi' was better decisions than coming here. Why did I for once thought that he had something reasonable to make up for his actions. I sighed mental.

If I move back further I will fall across the rail. If I will use my hands he will catch them again like last time. I need to think fast. 
I lost my control over my breathing.
'Think fast, don't breath fast, you stupid brain!'
My mouth went dry. I wanted to spit out something but the weight in my throat restrained my from making any noise.

"Sam. Move." I whispered somehow.

"Just hear me first. I....." He bit his lower lip and a drop of sweat ran down at the back of my neck. I felt my lashes wet and my vision of him became unclear

Okay Y/n, you need to use your legs.

" you " he started closing the distance between us.

"NO YOU DON'T!" I cried letting the tears fall down at his audacity to force himself on me using this lie.

I somehow gather courage to raise my trembling knee to attack, staring deep  into his brown eyes with my pleading face to keep him focused.
But suddenly I saw his white structured face getting slammed across by a veiny fist. And I saw the site of him falling down the steps. My hand instinctively reached my mouth in shock of what just happened.

Author's note

Thank you to all the new readers.
I hope you are liking the story so far and if you are, don't forget to vote for it. ^_^

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